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Master Theses / Dissertations

A Master Thesis is an unpublished study paper completed as a requirement to a bachelor’s or master’s (graduate school) degree, while a Dissertation is written as a requirement for the Doctor of Philosophy.

Fr Jose T Bacatan SJ Library maintains a collection of Master Theses and Dissertations at the second floor of the library and readily accessible to library users, while Undergraduate Theses are found at the third floor of the library at the Filipiniana Section.  These library materials are only allowed to use within the library and are not allowed to be checked out of the library at anytime.  They can be searched by subject, author and title through the library Online Public Access Catalog or using the list arranged according to author, title and course provided. 

Photocopy is allowed but is limited to only the Table of Contents and Abstracts only.  Photocopying of the entire material or duplication may be permitted provided with the consent and authorization letter of the author. 

These materials are arranged according to subject according to the Library of Congress Classification System same with all the books in the library.  Library staff can be requested to locate these materials from the shelf. 

Procedures to avail Thesis/Dissertation title:

  1.  Write down the complete CALL NUMBER/S of the Thesis/Dissertation needed on a piece of paper provided.
    e.g.  GR-FI-TS JK 765 G56 2008
  2. Ask assistance from either the librarian or library student assistant to locate the title needed.
  3. Log on the RECORD BOOK the following information: Date, Name, Program/Course, Research Topic and Call   Numbers.

List of Theses & Dissertations