To ensure that partnerships are carefully reviewed and endorsed at multiple levels, providing a clear, formal process for establishing international collaborations, this flowchart outlines the process of establishing international partnerships with individuals or organizations. It illustrates the steps taken depending on whether the partnership is initiated by Global Paths – Internationalization office (GPI) or invitations addressed to the university or by a specific department/office/unit or by an individual.
A. For GPI-Initiated or invitations addressed to the University Partnerships:
- The GPI office initiates a partnership or an invitation for partnership is addressed to the University through the GPI office.
- The office confers with the University President for an approval.
- After approval, the partnership is endorsed to the unit/office for further steps.
- The department/office/unit shall then identify a partnership point person: A designated person is chosen to oversee the partnership.
- The point person of the partnership drafts a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), as a formal document outlining the terms of the partnership.
- The University Legal Counsel reviews MOU/MOA draft to ensure legal compliance and accuracy.
- Once reviewed, it will be forwarded to the GPI Director.
- The GPI Director endorses the MOU/MOA to the University President for approval.
- The University President approves the MOU/MOA.
B. For Department/Office/Unit or Individual-Initiated Partnerships:
- The Department/Office/Unit or Individual expresses its interest to establish a partnership by writing a letter of intent to the GPI office.
- The GPI Director reviews the letter and recommends to the University President for approval.
- The GPI Director informs the department/office/unit the decision of the University President.
- If approved, the department/office/unit shall then identify a partnership point person: A designated person is chosen to oversee the partnership. If expressed by an individual, the individual is automatically designated as the point person.
- The point person of the partnership drafts a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), as a formal document outlining the terms of the partnership.
- The Legal Counsel reviews the MOU/MOA draft to ensure legal compliance and accuracy.
- Once reviewed, it will be forwarded to the GPI Director.
- The GPI Director endorses the MOU/MOA to the University President for approval.
- The University President approves the MOU/MOA.