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Student Activity Program




The Student Activity Program of the Ateneo de Zamboanga University Grade School is designed to complement the curricular offerings of the school. It provides opportunities for the students to develop their talents, skills and leadership while at the same time stimulates their initiative, creativity, responsibility, cooperation and social awareness. It encourages the expression of the students special talents in the arts, athletics, journalism and other fields. It also provides the students with opportunities for learning in informal settings and addresses some of their spiritual, moral, intellectual, emotional and social needs. Hence, it contributes to the total development and formation of every student.

General Organization:

The activities of the Student Activity Program of the Ateneo de Zamboanga University Grade School are open to students from Preparatory to Grade Six. The clubs are organized in July and activities are undertaken soon after the organizational meeting. A moderator is assigned to the club for which he/she is most equipped with the necessary background and skills to assist in the development of the student in a particular field. He/She is given a choice which club to moderate thus tapping his/her expertise at the same time providing outlets for the expression of his/her talents.

There are twenty-nine existing interest clubs and organizations in the Ateneo Grade School. Twenty one of them are held on Friday and eight on other days. Clubs held on Friday clubs are taken cared of by moderators as part of their regular loads. Moderator of clubs held on other days are aptly compensated with a monthly honorarium.

The preparatory pupils have an exclusive club organized for them by their moderators.

For Grades One, Two and Three pupils, the class moderators consult with the students to assist them to make the right choice of the club, based on the student’s interest, talents and potentials. For pupils in the upper grades, the selection is made by the pupils themselves. After having made a choice they report to their club moderators for membership.

The regular meetings of the Friday clubs are held from 1:30 – 2:30 pm. Club moderators, together with the members of the club, plan their activities and submit their lined-up activities to the Office of the Assistant Principal. All clubs are being supervised by the different subject area chairpersons.

For activities that are to take place outside of the school campus, a written permission from the Principal is required. Students are required to submit a parent’s approval before joining the said activity. Generally, no membership fee is collected from the students in any club by the Ateneo. However, this does not apply with clubs that are affiliated with an outside entity that requires a registration fee for membership. Students who are members of school clubs other than those with affiliation outside, finance their own activity.

Nature of Offerings:

The following are the different interest clubs and organizations that students may join.

A. Friday Club




Seraphim Club


Book Lovers Club
Dance Club
Arts/Drawing Club
Filipino Club

Grade I

Arts Club
Dance Club
Book Lovers Club
Filipino Club

Grade II

Arts Club
Book Lovers Club
Dance Club
Sing Along Club
Filipino Club

Grade III

Arts Club
Glee Club
Sing Along Club
Dance Club
Tourism Club
Junior Red Cross
Science Club
Sociedad Matematica Elementaria de Ateneo (SocMEA)
Book Lovers Club
Plant Lovers Club
Cookery/Homemakers Club
Brebeuf Sports Club
Media Information & Technoculture (MIT) Club

Grade IV, V, VI


B. Clubs/Organizations held on other days:




Munting Core


El Aguila Club


Junior Journalists Club


Dramatics Club


Girl Scouting


Boy Scouting


Student Government


Drum & Glockenspiel




A year-end evaluation of the clubs’ activities is conducted to determine the effectiveness, strengths and weaknesses and to check over-all attainment of goals and objectives of the Grade School Student Activity Program (see attached evaluation instrument).