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Science and Health Department


As part of a Filipino University, the Science and Health Department aims:

1. to equip the students with basic scientific knowledge, skills, desirable attitudes and values needed by human beings in order to become effective and productive members of the society;

2. to develop an appreciation of the use of Science and Technology for the betterment of the quality of life of the people and in national development; and

3. to develop in the consciousness of the students their duties and responsibilities to the country as stewards of God’s creation.

As part of a Secondary Preparatory School, the Science and Health Department aims:

1. to assist the students in acquiring the basic scientific knowledge and skills needed in their investigation and exploration of the different scientific processes and phenomena in the Grade School level.

As part of a Catholic University, the Science and Health Department aims:

1. to make the students recognize the importance of man’s relationship with his/her fellowmen and with nature as the basis of man’s unity with God.

As part of a Jesuit University, the Science and Health Department aims:

to help students understand, appreciate and make use of the discoveries, explorations, models, research and invention of science for the benefit of humankind.