The Human Resource Administration and Development Office (HRADO) is responsible for recruiting qualified candidates for staff positions.  The said office is given notice of the staff positions needed to be filled in individual offices.  Personnel Request forms are available at HRADO.  It starts recruiting by searching for potential candidates from among interested and qualified employees or applicants on active file.  If necessary, it places advertisements or contacts recruitment sources.  Ateneo employees may help by referring applicants to said office.

Hiring Procedure

To become an employee of the Ateneo de Zamboanga University, an applicant goes though some or all of the following phases of the hiring procedures.

  1. For employment application, an applicant submits an application letter and resumé.  The applicant is then asked to fill out a Personal Data Sheet which  he/she signs to attest to the truth and accuracy of the information given.  This form, upon employment, becomes part of the employee’s file with the office.  All information on the Personal Data Sheet are subject to verification, and the Ateneo reserves the right to dismiss an employee found to have falsified data.
  2. A preliminary interview is conducted and a reference check is made by gathering pertinent information from the references given by the applicant in the Personal Data Sheet.
  3. A set of employment tests is given to the applicant who passes the preliminary screening.  These are the standardized psychological test and skills tests administered by the Center for Testing and Measurement.  The test results will help indicate if the applicant is suited for the job.  Test results are confidential and may not be shown to applicants or to unauthorized persons.
  4. NBI and Police Clearances are required from an applicant who is considered for a job.  These clearances are to be submitted to the HRADO.
  5. A medical examination/clearance is also required.  The medical examination consists of a physical examination (at no cost to the applicant) by the school physician; a chest x-ray and a Hepa-B examination (at the applicant’s expense) done by a laboratory acceptable to the university.
  6. Finally, an interview is conducted by the supervisor of the hiring unit or office. Upon the supervisor’s recommendation, a temporary or probationary appointment shall be issued.
  7. Additional details regarding faculty hiring procedures are found in the Faculty Manuals of the different units.

Screening Process for Hiring Purposes

  1. Review of papers (application letter, resume, clearances, Transcript of Records by the Recruitment staff
  2. Interview by Dean/Principal/Chair if Faculty;  by HRADO Director / Office Head if staff
  3. Dean, Principal , and Chair talk with each other  and make a first level decision if faculty; HRADO Director, Office Head talk with each other  and make a first level decision if staff
  4. Aptitude and psychological tests, demonstration class,  and background check if faculty; aptitude and psychological tests , and background check  if staff
  5. Second level decision based on results of test by dean, principal and chair, if faculty; by HRADO Director and office head, if staff
  6. HRADO reviews medical and other requirements
  7. Final decision by the office concerned in coordination with the HRADO.
  8. Recommendation for hiring is made to the President.

Orientation of  New  Employees

All new employees hired for existing plantilla positions and others who hold contractual positions are required to go through a program of orientation where the university’s vision and mission are explained and expectations and school policies are discussed. As a follow-through, all are required to participate in the university’s continuing  programs for formation and development.