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Leave Without Pay

Leave of absence is excused absence from work, without pay. A leave of absence is granted to an employee only under the following conditions:

· Urgent personal or family matters requiring the employee’s attention for an extended period

· Health reasons not covered by sick leave or vacation leave

· Extended activities that redound to professional growth

The maximum length of a leave of absence is twelve (12) months, prior permission is always required. If an employee on leave of absence fails to return to work by the end of the approved leave, he/she will be considered as having abandoned responsibilities and, therefore, separated from service.

For faculty, however, an application for an extended leave of absence may not be accepted if it is to be effective at the start of classes or within a term in the Colleges and the Graduate School or at the start of classes or between the first and second quarters or the third and fourth quarters in the Grade School and High School.


Secure the leave form at the HRADO Office

The LOA should be approved by the:

Unit head for Basic Education

College/Graduate School Dean, Academic Vice President for the Colleges, Graduate School and the School of Medicine

Office Head and endorsed for approval to HRADO Director, for staff