Employment Records

Profiles of school employees are kept on a permanent and confidential basis by the Human Resource Administration and Development Office. The personnel file contains basic information about an employee in connection with his/her employment.  Data is stored in an electronic database and non-electronic paper formats.

In compliance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (DPA), the University ensures that the data collected from employees is protected while allowing at the same time the free flow of information necessary in the university’s service and operations to fulfill its legitimate, official and legal purposes. 

It is the obligation of each employee to report to HRADO for any personal data changes such as:

  1. Changes in civil status and in the number of dependents.  This information may affect an employee’s withholding tax exemption, as well as the coverage of his/her dependents in certain benefit programs.
  2. Changes in home address and telephone number.  These will help the university reach the employee (or the family) in an emergency.
  3. Passing a board examination and new degrees earned.  This information may be useful when an additional assignment or a promotion is being considered.