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Educational Scholarships for Dependents

Permanent, full-time employees who have rendered at least one school year of service may avail of educational scholarships for each of their children who are eligible for admission to the Ateneo de Zamboanga University Grade School, High School, and Colleges. The benefit is in the form of a full tuition subsidy in the school unit where the employee’s child is admitted for enrolment. Each child is also entitled to 50% discount on selected miscellaneous fees.

Permanent employees may also seek assistance by requesting the Finance Office that books, other fees and balance of the tuition be collected from them through payroll deductions up to the end of the semester or term in which the child is enrolled.

A part-time faculty with at least one year residency and teaching a total of 12 units is also eligible for an equivalent proportion of this scholarship package. In addition, the school will assist in the education of a sibling or child of a sibling of a full-time permanent, single or married but childless employee. However, the benefit is limited to only one sibling or child of a sibling in College. The benefit is in the form of full tuition subsidy and a 50% discount on selected miscellaneous fees.