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DECEMBER 23, 2011

DECEMBER 23, 2011

Friday of the Second Week of Advent

Reading 1: Malachi 3: 1-4, 23-24

Psalm: Ps 25: 4-5, 8-9, 10, 14

Gospel: Luke 1: 57-66

“What, then, will this child be? For surely the hand of the Lord was with him.”

When I was born in this world, I have not known anything and was innocent of what is going to happen, when I was already walking, all I can remember is the smile of my Father then who saw me walking toward him, when I was already studying, I did not expect I would land in a private school and would be given the best of everything from my parents. When I was in high school, I did not know I would be love by most of my classmates. When I was in college, I did not expect to experience great difficulty and great disturbance in our life.  And when I had graduated I did not expect that I would end up here in the Campus Ministry and be a formator to students.

What then will this child be?  No one knew that John would be the one who is going to baptize the Christ, the savior of the world.  Like me, I never knew that I would be able to help people and be God’s hands to serve Him faithfully.  I never knew that I would be a Teacher, teaching people about spirituality.  Just like the birth of John, the hand of the Lord was with Him,  the Lord was also with me and His hands was my guide, holding me and accompanying me to be in this profession.


Campus Minister, CMO