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December 08, 2014 : Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception

December 08, 2014

Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception

Gospel LUKE 1: 26-28

Our gospel today was one of the peak of humanity’s cooperation in God’s plan of salvation. Without Mary’s big yes to Angel Gabriel’s announcement of becoming the mother of the Saviour, the whole mankind will remain in darkness. Her big yes was indeed remarkable and impressive. It was a big leap of faith and full trust in God. My immediate reaction to such total trust to God’s call, in spite of Mary’s big surprise and not being ready, was great admiration. With the way she responded to the challenge of God was enough for me to believe why God has chosen her to be the Mother of our redeemer.

Definitely, Mary was unprepared to such huge responsibility. She may not even ready physically and emotionally. She was young and innocent. She was not emotionally prepared. Our experience tells us that nobody will dare to say yes to something unless we are sure of its result and its consequence. But Mary, after her few but honest questions of insecurity, she said Yes to God’s will. It was clear she was not ready, but she was spiritually disposed to follow God’s will.

If given a chance to meet her, I will ask Mary the following: Angel Gabriel put you on the spot. Are you ready to take such great responsibility? Why immediately said yes? Any fear or anxieties? What was in your mind? How come you were so obedient? What was your secret?

I may not get the answer right away. But recalling her words when Jesus turned the water into wine at Cana, “Do whatever he tells you.” Here is a glimpse of Mary’s character. Obedience to God’s will is important to her, more than anything else. We may not know where God’s will will lead us, but believing that God knows best is more than enough to trust Him and jump.

Like Mary, God may also give us a big surprise. We may find ourselves not ready to do a big task. But if we are spiritually disposed to follow His will, this is more than enough to close our eyes and jump into the unknown. And don’t be surprised, if we found ourselves also pregnant with God’s unlimited possibilities and surprises. For when God calls us to do something, we can expect a miracle. That is, if we give our BIG YES TO GOD.

Fr. Wilfredo M. Samson, SJ

Assistant to the President for Formation