There is no sign of power when the CPU is switched on.

· CPU power cable is not connected to the power outlet.


· CPU power button is not working.


· Make sure the CPU power cable is connected to the power outlet (220 volts).

· Check other cables connecting to the CPU if they are properly plugged in before turning CPU switch on.

· Report malfunctioning unit to the computer center using the online request form.

Computer runs slow or it takes a long time for an application to open.

· Too many applications are simultaneously open.

· Hard disk is full of temporary unnecessary files and the disk is fragmented.

· Close other applications to increase computer’s response time

· Run a disk cleanup utility like Easy Cleaner to delete unnecessary files.






· The memory does not meet the minimum requirement of the application (e.g. PageMaker) being opened.

· The system may be infected by a software virus.

· Defragment disk to realign fragmented files that slows computer performance.



· Increase the amount of memory in the computer or use an application that requires a lower memory requirement.

· Clean/scan the computer using the anti-virus applications (e.g. NOD32, etc.)

· Report the unsolved problem to the Center using the online request form.

Computer hangs when opening a file or an application.

· A file may have been infected by a software virus.



· The file being opened for an application is too large.


· The cooling fan of the CPU processor stopped working.

· Run an anti-virus software utility like AVG Scan to disinfect any infection in the file(s) or local hard disk (c :\>)

· Trim the file by dividing the file and saving the parts in separate file names.

· Report malfunctioning cooling fan to the Center using the online request form.