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Coastal-Cleanup in RT Lim Boulevard (Cawa-Cawa Shoreline)

On May 12, 2012, we will have our annual COASTAL CLEAN UP ACTIVITY. We invite you come and help clean the Cawa Cawa shoreline at 6:00 in the morning. Meeting area will infront of Brent Hospital. Please come with your cleaning materials (e.g. gloves, sticks, garbage bags, walis tingting, etc).

It was May 12, 2012 at exactly 7:00 AM when a coastal clean-up was held in RT Lim Boulevard, Cawa-Cawa, Zamboanga City, which went on for almost an hour, and within that small period of time, great progress was made.

Participating institutions and organizations: PNA Regional Council -Zamboanga City Chapter; different Specialty and Interest Groups of Nurses; the ORNAP -Operating Room Nurses Association of the Philippines; CHNAP -Community Health Nursing Advocates of The Philippines; CCNAZPI -Critical Care Nursing Advocates of Zamboanga Peninsula INC., SLRC, students of Ateneo de Zamboanga University College of Nursing with their clinical instructors were there to witness and be a part of this benefitial event.

ADZU’S College of Nursing students met in school, and all together went to Cawa-Cawa at 7:00 AM using the school bus. The others that were a part of the group were already in the area, waiting for the others to arrive.

As the ADZU students had arrived, introductions and proper greetings were present as the group prepared their materials to start the cleaning.

Trash/Garbage bags, gloves, sticks, and “walis ting-tings” were brought along in order to help make the progress faster, and better. All of the people worked very well together, and as expected, team work and a whole lot of sincere intentions were made that day as the group picked up the garbage, big or small, that were scattered all over the sandy area.

There were a lot of candy and junkfood wrappers, used diapers, crumpled papers, and even medicines- used and unused were found. Each piece of trash that was spotted by the group were disposed properly.

The coastal clean-up, as said earlier, lasted for almost an hour, and approximately 3-5 garbage bags were filled with the garbage picked up from the area. Pictures were taken here and there, and one thing that is never taken out of these types of events happened after the clean-up.. The snacks. Everyone was so proud of a job well done as they ate together whilst talking about the morning’s success.