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CITS preventive maintenance

As an outcome of the CITS preventive maintenance activities conducted recently, we identified  that aside from power interruption repercussions, the following are causes of Internet and the Network connection disruptions:

1. Proliferation of Virus and Malwares in offices computers

2. Unauthorized (not registered with CITS) hard-wire connection of Laptops/notebooks

3. Illegal network connection of personal WIFI routers

It is explicit in the University IT Guidelines that only authorized and/or official University devices are allowed to be (hard-wired) connected to our network. Thus, any violation, such as illegal connection or unauthorized plugging of device, will warrant the following sanctions: CONFISCATION of the device and FORFEITURE of the device owner’s IT privileges.

This is also to inform the community that we have upgraded a number of our network switches to Power-Over-Ethernet (POE) Switches. This means that electrical current flows in the LAN cables. Thus, plugging devices on these cables will cause damage.

For your information and guidance.

Thank you.

CITS team