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Christian Life Education Department


As part of a Filipino University, the Christian Life Education Department seeks:

1.   to hold learning activities that promote Christian values and practices that strengthen the relationship among the members of the family, the basic unit of Filipino society; and


2.   to deepen students concern and awareness of the Christian dimension of Filipino community values, which bring about love and genuine concern of one’s fellowmen, reverence and respect for the country’s God-given natural and economic resources and of its rich cultural heritage.


As part of a Secondary Preparatory School, the Christian Life education Department seeks:


1.   to provide the students with solid understanding of the basic doctrines of our Catholic faith in preparation for religious studies and reflection in the grade school level; and


2.   to sharpen student’s critical faculty through opportunities for reflection and openness to the working of God in the day to day practical realities.


As part of a Catholic University, the Christian Life Education Department seeks:

1.   to present Christ as a model of human life and invite students to personal friendship with Him by instructing them about His life and teaching;


2.   to manifest Christ-centered spirituality and values in classrooms and campus activities;


3.   to help the students experience growing as persons rooted in the Christian community, sensitive to the needs of people around them, ready to assume responsibilities as members of the larger society and ultimately as members of the Church;


4.   to help the students develop Christian responsiveness emerging from a deep knowledge of themselves and of human situation in the light of the gospel; and


5.   to express appreciation and love for religious affairs such as recollections, devotion to the Virgin Mary, and the celebration of the great feast of the Jesuit patron saint, Ignatius of Loyola.


As part of a Jesuit University, the Christian Life Education department shares in the:


1. Common vision and goals of the worldwide system of Jesuit Education. These vision and goals are contained in the University mission documents and   Characteristics of Jesuit Education.