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Cash Advance

A cash advance is a short term financial assistance made available to cover special and urgent need of an employee of the university who qualifies under the conditions set forth under this policy.

Eligible Applicants

Full-time permanent faculty or staff of the university in active service and not on Leave of Absence Without Pay provided that a two-month gap is established after the full payment of a previous cash advance

Full-time probationary and contractual faculty or staff with one year or two full semesters of service and with the same provision as in No. 1


Maximum of P5,000.00 and depending on capacity to pay according to the terms set.

Terms of Payment

Four equal semi-monthly installments through salary deduction to start on the nearest pay period

In case of separation form the university, any outstanding balance must be paid in full

Documentary Requirement

A properly accomplished application form, approved and signed by the Treasurer.


This policy supersedes all previous provisions covering the same program and is effective June 1, 2008.