Campus Lockdown Protocol

In case of a natural or man-made event whether internal or external in nature that results in an emergency situation, A CAMPUS EMERGENCY LOCKDOWN WILL BE INITIATED.

General Provisions

  1. TOTAL LOCKDOWN will be initiated in cases of extreme events or life threatening situations both internal and external in nature.
  2. RAID Team and Quick Reaction Force (QRF) activated.
  3. All gates will be closed/locked but manned by security guards.
  4. All persons and vehicles will not be allowed to enter or to leave the campus.
  5. RAID Team will assess the nature and degree of the emergency and will decide on the stages of activation or elevate it to VP for Administration and President6.   Emergency Calls to the Fire department, Police, Military and other law enforcement agencies will immediately be done depending on the nature and degree of the emergency or upon the discretion of RAID, ADMC, or the President.
  6. Faculty members may instruct students to contact their parents immediately and to inform them of their situation and to give specific instructions on their exact location, meeting place and to bring a valid ID.
  7. In cases of bombing, sporadic firing or intermittent shelling, the guards manning the gates will be pulled back a few meters for safety reasons and establish a secondary line of defense but within visual sight of their area of responsibility.
  8. SAFETY AREAS:  Students, Faculty, Staff, visitors and Guests outside of classrooms and offices but in campus will be directed to proceed immediately to the following safety areas:
    • BC Lobby
    • College building/Quadrangle
    • Xavier ground floor
    • LRC building/ Quadrangle
    • MPCC/Backfield        
  9. ADZU vehicles will be allowed entry depending on the situation.
    • Vehicle entry points (Case to Case basis)
      • Gate 1 – All ADZU vehicles, Faculty, Staff, and other official government vehicles with clearance from USO (i.e. City Mayor, Police, Ambulance, SOCO, TFZ, etc.)
  10. All medical needs may be coursed thru the Medical Emergency Team or Infirmary.
  11. STAND DOWN: The all clear signal is one long ringing of the university bell or announcement in the PA system by the President or members of the UNSC.  If electricity is off, a long whistle on the megaphone will be sounded. It is expected that all will go back to their places of origin
  12. Use of telephone lines / ICOM radios should be kept at a very minimum level to allow fast transmittal of calls to concerned offices. Faculty, Staff and Students are discouraged from using the phone in inquiring about the status of the situation except in extreme life threatening situations or due to medical emergencies.

Specific Provisions During Lockdown

  1. HOLDING AREA FOR PARENTS: Parents wanting to fetch their children must present a valid ID before being allowed entry and to proceed to the holding area;
      • Entrance to the campus – SHS entrance gates/Gate 5
      • Exit – all SHS exit gates or gate 2,3,4,5 (If available)
      • Holding Area – All SHS hallways
    • Coordinate with OSS and Class Moderators for release of students
    • Parents can pick up their children inside the classrooms only after being cleared by the OSS and the respective class moderators.
        • Entrance into the campus – Gate 2
        • Exit – Gate 2 or Gates 1,3,4,5 (Optional)
        • Holding Area – Quadrangle area in College and LRC buildings
        • Coordinate with the DSA/Unit/Office for the location of students
  2. Optional exit points at gate 3, 4 and 5 will be considered if the need arises but will depend upon the recommendation of the ADCG-RAID Team and approve by the University Security Council or the president.
  3. For first aid or medical needs, the infirmary will be designated as the medical headquarters.  In case of extreme medical emergency, the nursing laboratory located in the 2ndfloor of the BC building will be utilized pending the transport of patients to the nearest hospital.
  4. In case a crisis that occurs after curfew, the security guards will implement campus lockdown and secure all buildings and their occupants.  The decision on the courses of action to undertake will depend on the highest ranking administrator in campus (i.e. President, Rector, Dorm Supervisor, Senior Faculty member, Head of security).  Security guard drivers will be on placed standby.

In case of a natural or man-made event whether internal or external in nature that results in an


  1. TOTAL LOCKDOWN will be initiated in cases of extreme events or life threatening situations both internal and external in nature.
  2. RAID Team and Quick Reaction Force (QRF) activated.
  3. All gates will be closed/locked but manned by security guards.
  4. All persons and vehicles will not be allowed to enter or to leave the campus.
  5. RAID Team will assess the nature and degree of the emergency and will decide on the stages of activation or elevate it to VP for Administration and President
  6. Emergency Calls to the Fire department, Police, Military and other law enforcement agencies will immediately be done depending on the nature and degree of the emergency or upon the discretion of RAID, ADMC, or the President.
  7. Faculty members may instruct students to contact their parents immediately and to inform them of their situation and to give specific instructions on their exact location, meeting place and to bring a valid ID.
  8. In cases of bombing, sporadic firing or intermittent shelling, the guards manning the gates will be pulled back a few meters for safety reasons and establish a secondary line of defense but within visual sight of their area of responsibility.
  9. SAFETY AREAS: Students, Faculty, Staff, visitors and Guests outside of classrooms and offices but in campus will be directed to proceed immediately to the following safety areas:
    • BC Lobby
    • College building/Quadrangle
    • Xavier ground floor
    • LRC building/Quadrangle
    • MPCC/Backfield        
  1. ADZU vehicles will be allowed entry depending on the situation.

Vehicle entry points (Case to Case basis)

Gate 1 – All ADZU vehicles, Faculty, Staff, and other official government vehicles with clearance from USO (i.e. City Mayor, Police, Ambulance, SOCO, TFZ, etc.)

  1. All medical needs may be coursed thru the Medical Emergency Team or Infirmary.
  2. STAND DOWN: The all clear signal is one long ringing of the university bell or announcement in the PA system by the President or members of the UNSC. If electricity is off, a long whistle on the megaphone will be sounded. It is expected that all will go back to their places of origin
  3. Use of telephone lines / ICOM radios should be kept at a very minimum level to allow fast transmittal of calls to concerned offices. Faculty, Staff and Students are discouraged from using the phone in inquiring about the status of the situation except in extreme life threatening situations or due to medical emergencies.


  1. HOLDING AREA FOR PARENTS: Parents wanting to fetch their children must present a valid ID before being allowed entry and to proceed to the holding area;


  • Entrance to the campus – SHS entrance gates/Gate 5
  • Exit – all SHS exit gates or gate 2,3,4,5 (If available)
  • Holding Area – All SHS hallways

Coordinate with OSS and Class Moderators for release of students

Parents can pick up their children inside the classrooms only after being cleared by the OSS and the respective class moderators.


  • Entrance into the campus – Gate 2
  • Exit – Gate 2 or Gates 1,3,4,5 (Optional)
  • Holding Area – Quadrangle area in College and LRC buildings

Coordinate with the DSA/Unit/Office for the location of students

  1. Optional exit points at gate 3, 4 and 5 will be considered if the need arises but will depend upon the recommendation of the ADCG-RAID Team and approve by the University Security Council or the president.
  2. For first aid or medical needs, the infirmary will be designated as the medical headquarters. 
    In case of extreme medical emergency, the nursing laboratory located in the 2nd floor of the BC building will be utilized pending the transport of patients to the nearest hospital.
  3. In case a crisis that occurs after curfew, the security guards will implement campus lockdown and secure all buildings and their occupants.  The decision on the courses of action to undertake will depend on the highest ranking administrator in campus (i.e. President, Rector, Dorm Supervisor, Senior Faculty member, Head of security). Security guard drivers will be on placed standby.