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Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA – Corporate and Entrepreneurship Mgt)

{xtypo_dropcap}T{/xtypo_dropcap}he BSBA course has two track: 1) Entrepreneurial Management Track and 2) Corporate Management Track. The Entrepreneurial Track is designed to develop classic enterpreneurs. The students of this track will start their own business in their fourth year. The Corporate Track is designed to develop professional managers who are equipped to meet the demands of corporate businesses. The two tracks have a strong industry-academe linkages in which owners of local establishments act as mentors of entrepreneurship track students in the operation of their business, and the faculty takes care of the theories, concepts, principles and other management practices.

The Entrepreneurial Management Track is designed to develop students to become what we call the New Breed of Entrepreneurs with a Conscience. Their four-year stay in ADZU will prepare them to be business persons with Ignatian values, passion and spirt in starting their own business.

The students on this track, as a requirement, will set up an actual business rooted in their passion in life in their senior year. This strategy will not only equip students with the acumen of managing a successful enterprise but help reduce unemployment in the city and the region as students will hire a minimum of 2 persons for their employees. After earning the degree, it is expected that the students will continue their business or enterprises.

The Corporate Management Track molds and prepares employees to be men and women for others and best fitted for corporate business and enterprises. The students on this track will be exposed to community-based organizations, as well as corporate organizations. The exposure will cover actual business-related practices by way of providing technical assistance during their practicum.

To test their readiness to join the field of corporate business and other business enterprises, the corporate management track has a unique practicum program.

In the community, the students will provide technical assistance by way of identifying projects, preparing feasibility studies/project proposal, monitoring of actual operation of the project, or conducting management audits.

{xtypo_download}Click here to see the curriculum SY 2007 – 2008 (Entre Mgt){/xtypo_download}

{xtypo_download} Click here to see the curriculum SY 2007 – 2008 (Corporate Mgt) {/xtypo_download}

{xtypo_download}Click here to see the curriculum SY 2012 – 2013 (Corporate and Entrepreneural Management){/xtypo_download}