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Home » Junior Highschool Memos » AdZUHS this week, June 13 – 18, 2015

AdZUHS this week, June 13 – 18, 2015

Date: 10 July 2015

Weekly Memorandum No. 2015 – 7.2

TO: AdZUHS Community

FROM: Father Principal

SUBJECT:  AdZUHS this week, June 13 – 18, 2015

  1. 1. Principal’s Message:

    Let me reiterate what I shared with the community during this week’s Monday assembly – on Discipline.

    What is Discipline at the Ateneo?

    Discipline is not simply following certain rules and regulations to ensure success.  In any Jesuit school, we define it as what one is supposed to do:  at the right time, in the right way, in the right place, with the right people.

    It means not giving in to impulsive behavior, but of reasoned response to a situation.  To say NO when one must, to say YES when one should, to say neither YES nor NO when one is not sure.It means to take responsibility for one’s own actions because the person makes the choices, NOT another, not the group, not one’s barkada.

    This is the test of maturity, the mastery of self.  There are many people who have no mastery of self.

    They feel like talking, they talk.

    They feel like throwing their garbage, they throw it anywhere.

    They eat at the cafeteria, and just leave their used utensils on top of the table.

    They feel like punching someone, they fight.

    They feel like not going to school, they absent themselves.

    They feel like doing their thing, they come any time they please.

    They are the ones who disregard the little things.  Who don’t make much of little things.  They miss the point of an Ateneo education, an Ateneo discipline.

    As educators, we ought to have mastery of ourselves and we must form our students to do likewise.

    2. Characteristic of Jesuit Education (CJE):  Jesuit education relies on a spirit of community among students. Students form a community of understanding and support among themselves. This is reinforced both informally and through such structures as student government and student councils. Moreover, according to their age and capacity, student participation in the larger community is encouraged through membership in advisory councils and other school committees.

    3. Student and Faculty Updates

    a. Congratulations to Mrs.Rosie R. Ledesma for passing the TESDA trainer and Assessor exam.

    b. Mr. Jemar C. Peniones has been requested by the ADZU in coordination with the ZFF and DOH Regional office IX to help ACLG team in the documentation of the on-site assessment of seven municipalities (Roxas, Salug, Sergio Osmeña, Siay, Malangas, RT Lim, and Siocon) on July 13-14, 2015.  The program seeks to improve health outcomes for the poor by enhancing the leadership capacities and management practices of key local health leaders to address inequities in the health system.

    c. Mr. Eric Jude Y. Ismael will be on leave of absence on July 16-29.  In his absence, teachers from the Mathematics department will be handling his classes.  He reports back to school on July 30.

    d. AdZUHS expresses its gratitude to Mrs. EdelynUy,HSinfirmary nurse, for her services for the past 26 months, and wish her all the best as she starts a new phase of her professional life beginning July 13.

    4. Activities and Events for July 13–18 (Career Week)

    a. July 13, Monday

    *  Monday Assembly sponsor: Science and Technology Department

    *  7AMMonday Assembly, Cosplay Contest, c/o Guidance Office

    *  7:30AM Mass: Class sponsor:  Gr. 8 Britto     Moderator:  Mr. Jayson M. Mahilum

    *  7:30 – 8:30 AM:  Medical and Dental Checkup for Gr. 10 Brebeuf

    *10AM – 12 nn:  Grade 7 “Career Goals”, AVR 1 & AVR 2, c/o Guidance Office

    *  1PM – 3:30PM:  Poster Making Contest, Lobby, c/o Guidance Office

    * 3:45 PM at Pub room:     Book Lovers’ Club Screening (Day 1)

    *  ESCRIBIR Seminar Workshop for Members and Aspirants of the Blue Eagle and La Liga Atenista (Day 1)

    b. July 14, Tuesday

    *  Gr. 7 Chabanel recollection Moderator:  Mrs. Esther Mondido

    *  7:30 – 8:30 AM:Medical and Dental Checkup for Gr. 10 Evans

    *7:30AM – 10AM:  Grade 8 “Career Explorations”, AVR 2 & Faculty Lounge, AVR 2, c/o Guidance Office

    * 3:45 PM at Pub room: Book Lovers’ Club Screening (Day 2)

    *  ESCRIBIR Seminar Workshop for Members and Aspirants of the Blue Eagle and La Liga Atenista (Day 2)

    c. July 15, Wednesday

    *  Gr. 7 Colombiere recollection Moderator:  Ms. Fhadzmalyn Issan

    *  7:30AM Mass:  Class sponsor:  Gr. 8Pongracz Moderator:  Ms. Marra S. Vesagas

    *  7:30 – 8:30 AM:        Medical and Dental Checkup for Gr. 10 Garnet

    *  12:45 – 2:45 Gr. 9 Culinary Arts Salad Making Contest

    *7:30AM – 10AM:  Grade 9 “Career Path/Planning”, AVR 2 & Faculty Lounge, AVR 2, c/o Guidance Office

    * 9AM Traffic Management Committee Meeting

    *  3:45PM:  Science Clubs Screening

    Rm 203:  Young Ateneans’ Science Educators (YASEd)

    Rm 204:  Young Ateneans Society of Environmentalists (YASEn)

    Rm 205:  SociedadMatematica de Ateneo (SocMat)

    Rm 206:  Information Technology Society (ITS)

    * 3:45 PM at Pub room: Book Lovers’ Club Screening (Day 3)

    *  ESCRIBIR Seminar Workshop for Members and Aspirants of the Blue Eagle and La Liga Atenista (Day 3)

    *  YASEd General Assembly

    d. July 16, Thursday

    *  Gr. 7 Daniel recollection       Moderator:  Mr. RonelLayese

    *  7:30 – 8:30 AM:       Medical and Dental Checkup for Gr. 9 Lewis

    *  7:30AM – 11AM:       Career Talk for Grade 10 Students, ANCC

    *8AM – 11:30 AM, Parenting session, c/o Guidance Office

    *  12:45PM – 2:45PM Gr. 9 Culinary Cake Making Contest

    * 1:30 Administration Cluster (c/o Mr. Rey S. Reyes)

    * 3:45 PM at CMO:  Club Screening for Sociedad de Primer Compañeros (SdPC)

    * Special Faculty and Staff Meeting Main Agenda:  PAASCU (Last-Minute) Preparations and Reminders

    e. July 17, Friday Eid’lFitr(National Holiday)

    f. July 18, Saturday

    *  8AM – 11:30 AM, Parenting session, c/o Guidance Office

    * 8AM – 12:30 PM, YASEd Basic Orientation and Formation Activity, AVR 2

    * 8AM – 11AM    Dance Practice for all Grade 8 Students c/o MAPEH/TLE Depts.

    g. Weeklong activities

    *  Grade 7 Jingle Contest during MAPEH period (c/o Mr. Gaspar)

    *  Career Week TV Advertisement (Tips on sound career decision-making)

    *  Career Week Bulletin Board Display, Guidance Office Entrance door

    5. Teach us to Pray:  Examen

    Fr. James Martin, SJ

    Many people tell me that they feel they don’t pray “correctly.”  In response, I often say two things.

    First, there is no “right” way of praying.

    Second, the easiest way to pray may be a prayer popularized by St. Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, called the “examination of consciousness” or the “examen.”  Normally done at day’s end, the examen done at the day’s end, the examen helps you to take notice of where God has been in your day.  It is a prayer of “awareness” with five steps.

    First, as with any prayer, ask God to be with you.

    Second, call to mind things that happened during the day and express gratitude.  These could range from big events (a promotion) to small things (a fun conversation with a friend).  “Savor” them, as Ignatius say, and thank    God.

    Third, review the day from start to finish – almost as if a movie is replaying in your mind.  Notice where you responded generously to God’s invitation (how did you treat a coworker having a bad day?) and where you didn’t (where did you fail to love?).

    Fourth, recall your failings and ask for God’s forgiveness.  If these are sinful acts, you may decide to seek the sacrament of reconciliation.

    Fifth, ask for God’s grace in the next day.

    James Martin is a Jesuit priest and author of “Between Heaven and Mirth”, “The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything”, and “My Life with the Saints”.