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JANUARY 07, 2012

JANUARY 07, 2012

Christmas Weekday

Reading 1: 1 John 5: 14-21

Psalm: Ps 149: 1-2, 3-4, 5, 6, and 9

Gospel: John 2: 1-11

“Do whatever he tells you.”

A mother’s knowledge and instinct with regards to her child is one of the most amazing signs of God’s infinite wisdom. The type and reason of a cry during infancy is known to a mother intuitively.  Example, a cry may mean that the baby is wet, hungry, sleepy, and sick or just simply in need of attention. From a mother’s point of view “Do whatever he tells you” means certainty in Jesus’ words, which best address the situation at present.

In a given situation, wise men say to take prudence in responding to it. How are we going to decide and by whose example are we going to base our actions? “Do whatever he tells you” is our simple answer. Our prudence will be in asking ourselves of how much we know God and the extent of our obedience to the guidance that He has set for us to follow.

Life is but a trial, every step of the way. Our consciousness tells us that great care should be taken to assure great results. What you sow is what you reap.  Let us purify ourselves to perfect our faith and as we sow good deeds, we will reap God.


Campus Minister