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Ateneo Institutional Peace Camp 2012

As the university marks its centennial celebration, the Ateneo Institutional Peace Camp seeks to revisit the value of generosity as taught in the Ateneo. With the theme“The Gifts of Citizenship”, the camp is slated for March 26, 27, 28 at the Kreutz Campus.The participants are selected students from the Grade School, High School, and the Colleges.

The camp hopes to provide a nurturing learning environment where the participants can explore their gifts and make them appreciate what it truly means to be “men and women for others” working for peace and development. More importantly, the camp aims to instill in the participants the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for them to become peace builders in their homes and communities.The activities in the camp are directed towards developing the self-appreciation of the campers through peaceful and supportive, yet creative and dynamic, learning processes which include formal classes, workshops, and experiential learning exercises as well as exposure activities in communities.

Taking the lead for this activity is the Ateneo Peace and Culture Institute (APCI) which envisions communities where peace and justice is a way of life as reflected in an individual’s harmonious relationships with the Inner Self, Others, Society, the Environment, and the Sacred Source.