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Offices: CM Main Office and CM Extension Office

It is where you can find the Director and the Campus Ministers. It is also a place for consultation and spiritual direction geared towards the spiritual and personal growth. The CM Main Office is located at the front-right wing of the Sacred Heart Chapel. The CM Extension Office is located at the back-right wing of the chapel.

Sacred Heart Chapel

It is the place where most of the religious activities are held such as Weekday Masses, Sunday Masses, Special Masses, Ateneo Community masses, and other special rites. The chapel is located at the northwest corner of the campus near gate 2 along the covered walk.

Schedule for Masses at Sacred Heart Chapel

6:30 AM Tuesday and Thursday

12:00 NN Monday to Friday

5:15 PM Monday to Friday (Starting July 4, 2011)


Jose Maria Rosauro Formation Center

This center serves as a venue for formation sessions of the faculty, staff, and students. It is also open for outsidecommunities and organizations for their seminars, trainings, sessions, and the like. It is located near the Jesuit Residence.



Ecumenical Prayer Room

This is a place for prayer for everyone. It is presently used by the Muslim students. It is located at the ground floor of New College Building.