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Vision & Mission

MISSION: The formation of men and women of God in the service of God and country.
They are men and women of Competence, Conscience, Compassion and Commitment.


  1. The Spirit of Excellence: As a member of the ADZU community, it is our dream that our faculty, staff and students will manifest the Spirit of Excellence in all its endeavors, whether it is academic, spirituality and service to people.
  2. Ignatian Identity and Mission: That our rootedness in Ignatian Spirit will inspire us to be of humble service to our family, community and country; with special preference to the poor and marginalized sectors of Western Mindanao.
  3. Ignatian Values Exemplified: That through our outstanding life as an individual and a community, we may be able to form faculty, staff, and students who are men and women of conscience, competent, compassionate and committed.
  4. Formation through Witnessing: That through the faculty and staff’s inspiration and guidance, our graduates will be men and women who are:

Intellectually competent,
Loving and Respectful,
Morally upright,
And Committed to Faith, Justice and Service

CORE SPIRITUALITY: We obtain our inspiration from the life and works of St. Ignatius of Loyola which is God-centered and Others-oriented.

we hope to assimilate for us to understand, appreciate and live-out our Mission and Identity:

1. Principle and Foundation and Personal Dignity
The core of our formation is to recognize each others’ dignity as a person, made in the image and likeness of God. We have a common history and personal sacred stories to tell and by virtue of our Baptism, we are called to participate in the Mission of Christ.
To value ourselves and others and enhance our respect and sensitivity to one another, we begin with an interior renewal, a call to recognize that in Christ, people are created to live a life centered in the desire to come to know, love and serve our family, our country and God. (Spiritual Exercises #13).

2. Cura Personalis (Friends in the Lord in Pilgrimage)
The Spiritual Exercises is a process of support through accompaniment and dialogue. In the Spiritual Exercises, the retreatants are accompanied to reflect on their experiences and discern the different inner movements; leading to the discovery of their giftedness and desire to serve others.
Formation then, is a support and accompaniment process, we are co-discerners, as we journey together in faith and seek the will of God through:
a) prayer and reflection
b) community faith sharing ( ICGC)
c) social action
Through this process, we nurture genuine human growth towards full maturity and transformation towards an integrated life. This is premised on accompaniment, dialogue, and openness in a climate of respect and freedom.

3. Magis
As we aspire for excellence, we return to our roots and ground ourselves in the Ignatian Spirituality. For St.Ignatius, to seek for excellence is to seek for “magis.” It is not more work or more programs, but more quality, more love and more depth.

4. Excellence in all we do for God’s greater glory.
The spirit of excellence is grounded in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius and his foundational insights. This is the foundation of the qualities that our ADZU students, faculty and staff should possess.
5. Commitment to Faith and Justice
We are called to be an agent of change based on the prophetic call of the Gospel. In the Spirit of 32nd General Congregation and the thrust of the local church, we commit ourselves to faith and justice thrust of the Church, a preferential option for the poor.

6. Ability to Discern and Respond to the Signs of Times
We commit ourselves to empower our ADZU community to read and discern the different realities of our life (social, political, environmental, economical) and actively engaged according to the teachings of the Gospel. They should be men and women of depth and universality.

7. Examen as our way of evaluation.
The Examen is our way of evaluating our actions and experiences. It is a our way of prayer and tool in evaluating our actions through reflection.

1) Ignatian Spirituality: “Contemplatives in Action” as a way of life
2) Respect for the dignity of human person and care of environment
3) Honesty and Integrity
4) Generous and humble service
5) Academic Excellence
6) Love of Country, especially the poor, marginalized and neglected.

Jesuit Education:
is world-affirming.
assists in the total formation of each individual within the human community.