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Zamboanga Alliance hosts Leadership Training Program for Municipal Leaders

Zamboanga Alliance hosts Leadership Training Program for Municipal Leaders

The Zamboanga Alliance, a convergence among the Ateneo Center for Leadership and Governance (ACLG), Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), Department of Health (DOH), PhilHealth, and the Zuellig Family Foundation, hosted the Municipal Leaders for the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MLMDG) leadership training program on December 9 to 12, 2013 at the Montebello Villa Resort, Cebu City. The training program is anchored on the bridging leadership processes where the attainment of goals or desired future is anchored on the collective efforts of leaders and agencies who realize the need for working together to generate collective impact. Fundamental to this process is that each leader owns up his or her role in the societal inequities of a given existing reality and thus starts the momentum for change. Thus, within this framework, the attainment of the MDG on health, education and poverty alleviation at the municipal level presupposes that local leaders owns the leadership challenge, builds a network of multi-stakeholders to co-own the challenge and collectively co-create a future where these desired goals have been achieved.

The training program is composed of two modules and two periods of practicum as part of each module. Module One is “Grounding on the Bridging Leadership Framework and the Local Health and Social Welfare Systems”. Module Two is “Moving from Good to Better: Deepening Relationships to Sustain Gains in Health Social Welfare Outcomes.

This batch was originally composed of 9 municipalities: Naga, Ipil, Sibuco, Sirawai, Baliguian, Tabina, Tigbao, Tukuran and Dumalinao. They have successfully completed Module One of the course in August of 2012 and have complied with the practicum requirements. However, two municipalities –Sirawai and Baliguian—elected new mayors who have yet to undergo Module 1 and were thus transferred to the third batch of municipalities. Seven municipalities remained as part of Zamboanga Alliance Batch 2.

The Mayor, MHO, MSWDO and SB Chairman on Health originally comprised the learning team from each municipality. For Module 2, the team is modified to include the DOHRep and the Team Leader of the DSWD’s Municipal Action Team. Thus, each municipality has five participants during the training, composing the Municipal Health and Social Welfare Team. The role of ACLG as the academic partner in this program is to provide the training and coaching sessions for the participants. Mr. Aryameir B. Ismael, the Director of the Ateneo Peace and Culture Institute is also part of the ACLG training team.