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Vision, Mission & Identity Statement


We envision a transformation of Mindanao and the Philippines toward: peace, healing, and progress among diverse communities; humane and sustainable development; nurturance of faith and culture; total human security especially for the poor and marginalized; engaged in local and global solidarity; leadership and governance with integrity; and active citizenship inspired by love of country.


AdZU is committed to the mission of educating and forming students to be leaders who will work for social transformation based on Filipino, Catholic, and Jesuit values, culture, and tradition, and who will dedicate themselves in the service of God and country. AdZU’s mission extends to Zamboanga City and the six provinces of Zamboanga peninsula and the Western Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao, addressing needs in instruction, research, and community development; and engaging in the following areas: health, environment, peace, intercultural dialogue, leadership, governance, and the common good.


Our Ignatian values determine the way we relate and work with each other: magis, or our spirit of generosity and commitment to excellence; cura personalis, or our care and respect for the individual person; companionship, or our desire to be in community; social involvement, or our commitment to be men and women with and for others, especially the poor; discernment, or our sensitivity to God, to spirituality, and to change; and animo, or our passion to work, and the love and joy it gives.


We are inspired by our shared vision and mission, our sense of family and community, our God and our faith, and our pride in our institutional heritage and stability.


We envision AdZU to be a leading University in Mindanao committed to: peace and sustainable development, knowledge generation, responsive and community-based education, institutional sustainability, and community empowerment especially among the poor and marginalized like the indigenous and displaced peoples.