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Use of Network and Internet

The Ateneo computer network is an important resource that supports academic and administrative functions of the university. This is critically needed to access, process and communicate information for the benefit of the community.  The proper use and the security of the network are of the highest priority.

Our network administrators in the Center are responsible for ensuring that security measures are in place and guidelines for network use are disseminated to keep network service available 24/7. Security measures and guidelines however, would not be effective without the cooperation of network users.

It is in this spirit that the Center requests the community to adhere to the following network and Internet use guidelines.  Failure to follow the guidelines can disrupt network operations.  The Center reserves the right to report / deny access to network resources if violation to certain guidelines is observed.



Use the Ateneo network only for legitimate university purposes.

Users are provided access to the ADZU network and the Internet to assist them in the performance of their jobs. All users are expected to use the University’s network resources and access the Internet in a manner associated with being professional, law-abiding and ethical.

Access only materials relevant for university purposes

The network should not be used to disseminate, view or store commercial or personal advertisements, solicitations, promotions, destructive code (e.g., viruses, self-replicating programs, etc.), partisan political material, pornographic texts or images, or any other unauthorized material.

The University’s Internet connection should not be used to download games or other entertainment software (including screen savers). Playing online games is not a legitimate use of the University’s Internet connection.

Additionally, users may not use the computer network to display, store or send (by e-mail or any other any other form of electronic communication such as bulletin boards, chat rooms, Usenet groups, etc.) material that is fraudulent, harassing, embarrassing, sexually explicit, profane, obscene, intimidating, defamatory or otherwise inappropriate or unlawful.

Anyone who receives fraudulent, harassing, embarrassing, sexually explicit, profane, obscene, intimidating, defamatory or otherwise inappropriate or unlawful material from a fellow staff member, student, or administrator should report the violation of university norms of professional behavior, to the appropriate superior or supervisor.

The Ateneo network should not be used for the unauthorized copying of copyrighted materials


Users may neither illegally copy material protected under copyright law nor make that material available to others for copying. Users are responsible for complying with copyright law and applicable licenses that may apply to software, files, graphics, documents, messages, and other downloadable material.

When in any of the campuses of the University, access the Internet only through its firewall or security devices.

A firewall enables users to access the Internet with greater security and heightened protection against malware such as Trojans, rootkits and viruses. The use of devices and programs which bypass the University’s computer network security in accessing the Internet while connected to the University’s network, is strictly prohibited as such devices and programs endanger other users of the network.

Use Ateneo network resources such as computers, bandwidth, and storage capacity conservatively.


Users must avoid acts that waste computer resources or unfairly monopolize resources to the exclusion of others.

These acts include, but are not limited to, sending mass mailings or chain letters, spending excessive amounts of time on the Internet, playing games, engaging in online chat groups, uploading or downloading large files, accessing streaming audio and/or video files. The mentioned activities (and others like them) hog bandwidth and interfere with the academic and administrative use of the Internet.

Always scan materials with University-approved virus checking software.

Files obtained from sources outside the university, files attached to email, disks brought from home, files downloaded from the Internet, newsgroups, bulletin boards, or other online services; files provided by customers or vendors, may contain dangerous computer viruses that may damage the university’s computer network, programs or files.

All materials brought in from outside the network should be scanned with the University’s approved virus checking software before uploading.

Report sites that should be accessible but have been ‘blocked’.


The University utilizes filtering software that makes it possible to identify and block access to Internet sites containing sexually explicit or other material deemed inappropriate in the workplace. Filtering software looks for key words and blocks access to Internet sites whose content appears to fit into a “blocked” category.

However, filtering software is not perfect. Users are advised to report any sites to the Center that have been marked restricted even though they should be accessible.

Users should exercise caution before providing personal information online.

Some Internet sites or services require the user to provide personal information such as Name, SSS number, address, telephone numbers, email addresses, credit card numbers, bank accounts information, personal photographs, and other personal information. A user who chooses to enter personal information, such as the preceding, does so at his/her own risk.

Keep the area near network devices far from harmful elements such as dust, food, heavy and/or unstable objects.

The network devices in Ateneo are preconfigured to work with the overall network system of the university. Only the network administrators should handle these devices.

Users are advised to keep areas around these devices free of dust and away from potentially harmful elements such as water, food, heavy and/or unstable objects.

Use only wireless devices that are installed by the Center. Do not install wireless hubs and routers on your own.

The network system provides wireless signals for the community to access the network and the Internet. This wireless system is preconfigured to work with the overall network system and is secured against intrusion by users not affiliated with the school.

Plug-n-play wireless hubs/devices attached to the network without authorization from the Center expose the school network and weaken its defenses against intrusions; it is for this reason that their unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.