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University Guidelines on Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Protocol


14 July 2014


RE: University Guidelines on Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Protocol

As a general principle, the Ateneo de Zamboanga University supports all local and global initiatives in the service of its mission.   Many of these initiatives are forged through various Memoranda of Agreement (MOA) with partner institutions. To promote greater consistency, effectiveness and accountability in the conduct of these agreements, the following procedures are put in place for engagements with and for external public or private agencies:

    1. The proposal or draft of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) should be sent to the President’s Office for initial approval, particularly in terms of the parameters of engagement of the University in such an endeavor.

      2. After initial approval by the President:

      A. Those that require faculty or personnel involvement are forwarded to the Human Resource Administration and Development Office for review regarding impact on work load, benefits and remuneration. It is assumed, at this point, that the unit head concerned has given prior approval of their involvement.

        • HRADO returns the MOA to the office concerned for revisions or finalization.

        B.  For funded engagements with financial implications, i.e., those that require financing, subsidy or cash advancement by AdZU, the Assistant to the President forwards them to the Finance Office for review of financial aspects.

        • Finance Office returns the MOA to the office concerned for revisions or finalization.

        3. The office concerned incorporates revisions and finalizes MOA, then submits it to the President’s Office for signing. It is the responsibility of the office concerned to verify facts and ensure accuracy of data in the memorandum.


        Thank you for your attention and cooperation.


        University President



        Memo: 14-15:12