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University Forum on Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL)


14 November 2014



As we have already been advised by our Unit Heads, on Friday, November 21, 2014, we will hold a University Forum on the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) at the Garden Orchid Hotel. Classes will be canceled on that day, and all administrators, faculty, and staff are required to attend. Some student leaders will also be invited. We will begin the program promptly at 8.45am and end before 5.00pm.

The purpose of the University Forum is for us as community to be informed about this critical law being proposed in Congress. We know that the BBL will have tremendous impact in Zamboanga, Mindanao, and the whole country, and we need to understand more deeply the objectives and features of the proposed Bangsamoro entity, as well as the issues surrounding it.

The program for the day will be simple to provide adequate time for listening and discussion. We will have two speakers, one in the morning, and another one in the afternoon.

1. Attorney Antonio La Vina

Dean of the Ateneo de Manila School of Government. He is a prolific writer,   lecturer, and policy expert in the fields of governance, environment,  and development. He has a Masters of Laws degree and a Doctorate in Juridical Science from the Yale Law School.

2. Bro. Karl Gaspar, CSSR

An expert in the fields of sociology, anthropology, history, and economics. He has lectured and written extensively on culture, theology, indigenous peoples, human rights, and Mindanao. He has a doctorate in Philippine Studies from the University of the Philippines.

Dean Tony and Bro Karl are both Mindanawons. Dean Tony was born in Cagayan de Oro, and Bro Karl in Davao.

Each talk will be followed by open forum then small group discussion. We will have plenary discussion and synthesis as well.

See you all on November 21. Thank you.


University President


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