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University Concert Band gears up for concerts in Cagayan

Following the success of its performances in Davao City, the Ateneo de Zamboanga University Concert Band is gearing up for its next gigs, this time in Cagayan de Oro. 

The ADZU Concert Band will perform at Xavier University on November 24 and at the Liceo de Cagayan the following day. 

The band which drew raves during its Davao concert will reprise their Classic meets Rock concert, a 16-piece rendition of classical tunes and popular rock tunes and pop songs. 

The Adzu concert band plays under the baton of Maestro Apolonio Enriquez. Joji Turno of the High School Department  is the band’s manager. As with the Davao tour, the delegation will be headed by Office of Student Services Director Francis Jay Llenado.