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The Ideal SACSI Volunteer

The training, formation and follow-up programs are given to the volunteers during their term of service in the office. These are support components aimed at enhancing these qualities to help volunteers process and integrate their various experiences and to assess their knowledge, skills, orientation and spirituality for effective service and personal growth.

The following qualities are indicators of an ideal SACSI volunteer;

  1. Knowledge of SACSI
    1. Is aware and seeks to live-out the principles of SACSI
    2. Understands the SACSI structure, and its internal and external dynamics
    3. Is aware and committed to his/her tasks and responsibilities as a SACSI volunteer
    4. Has knowledge of SACSI’s different programs, linkages, and networks
  2. Spirituality
    1. Sees faith as the basis of his/her actions and thoughts both personal and societal
    2. To nourish his/her prayer life and sense of service
    3. To follow God as the center of his/her being
  3. Sense of Community and Solidarity
    1. Shows culturally sensitivity and concern for fellow volunteers and staff
    2. Is capable of developing healthy relationship with others
    3. Realizes the importance and potential of a community life
    4. Is willing to support SACSI and its activities with time, talents, skills, and service even after college
    5. Willing to be with the community in doing apostolate work and immerse in community.
  4. Lifestyle
    1. Strives to live simply and being happy with it
    2. Uses creatively and generosity to find ways to channel resources or situation
    3. Loves his/her cultural heritage in thought and in deeds
  5. Intellectual Capability
    1. Is critical, open-minded, and could act independently based on principles
    2. Must balance his/her academic performance with his/her socio-political involvement
    3. Exerts efforts to deepen knowledge through research and seeks venues to express his/her discoveries and learning
  6. Socio-Political Involvement
    1. Keeps himself updated with the present socio-economic-political and cultural issues.
    2. Is resolved to work with others toward changing unjust structures according to the principles of SACSI or the five pillars
    3. Seeks for best frameworks and models for effectiveness socio-political involvement.
    4. Will commit himself/herself to social development related work even after college
  7. Emotional Maturity
    1. Has a healthy and realistic self-image; possesses self confidence tempered with humility
    2. Shows commitment to tasks and relationships entered into
    3. Is sensitive and accepts the needs and view of others
    4. Has sense of professionalism in dealing with others
    5. Knows how to give constructive criticisms and to react positively to feedback given to him/her
    6. Can cope with various emotions (e.g. can meet the demands of work inspite of tensions and personal problems)
  8. Skills
    1. Possesses basic skills in leadership to fulfill work or task given to him/her

Exert efforts to cultivate the skills required for volunteer work.