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The CM Programs


Takes care of the Eucharistic Celebrations and para-liturgical celebrations of the school as well as the music in the liturgical and para-liturgical celebrations.

General Objectives:

LITURGY: To be led to the appreciation of the Sacraments (especially the Holy Eucharist and the Sacrament of Reconciliation) and the Words of Scripture in one’s life for the purpose of deepening one’s relationship with Jesus, the Christ.

MUSIC: To be disposed to prayer and to have a close encounter with Jesus in the liturgical and para-liturgical celebrations.

*Schedule for Masses at Sacred Heart Chapel

6:30 AM Tuesday and Thursday
12:00 NN Monday to Friday
5:15 PM Monday to Friday (Starting July 4, 2011)



General Objective:To reflect on one’s self, on one’s relationship with others and especially on one’s relationship with God.

The Recollection. It is a requirement of the school. It is a one-day session for second, third and fourth year (five year course) Christian and Muslim students. Each student is required to attend one recollection in his/her sophomore year, one in junior year and one in fourth year for those who are taking a five-year course. The recollection brings together the aspects and moments of personal, family, and student life, and to view them through the perspective of Christian/Islamic Faith. Muslim students attend the recollection given by Muslim speaker/s and other invited facilitators and the Christians attend the recollection facilitated by Campus Ministers and or CM student and teacher volunteers.



A retreat is a sacred time for intense personal prayer and reflection. It is a time to rest, relax, breathe deeply, and be renewed by God.

It is a three-day and out-of-campus gathering for senior students. All seniors are required to attend.



They are supporting programs of the Campus Ministry office that help deepen the spiriual functions of the student body as well as of the faculty and staff. They supplement the major programs namely the special weeks/activities, Inter-Religious Dialogue (IRD), recollections and retreats.

General Objective:

To create programs that support CM’s objective of creating the atmosphere of prayer and spirituality in the campus and to imbibe Ignatian values which are Christ-like and universal values.



General Objective:
To promote Inter – Religious Dialogue for Peace and Progress



General Objective:
To be formed into becoming men and women of God and men and women for others.


There are eight organizations under the Campus Ministry Office:


•Ateneo Catechetical Instruction League (ACIL)•

Seek to form themselves to become persons for others by responding to the call of spreading the faith through catechesis especially to the poor and oppressed, seeking justice for them by living-out Christian lives rooted in simplicity, service, and spirituality in community.

•Ateneo Lectors Society (ALECS)•

Seek to form themselves into becoming men and women of God and for others by responding to take charge of the readings during eucharistic celebrations and other liturgical activities of the Ateneo Community. They dedicate themselves in the promotion of Christian faith and values through church services and witnessing.

•Ateneo Liturgical Society (LS)•

This service–oriented group serves the Lord (and devote their free time) through singing during eucharistic celebrations being held every Sunday, Weekdays and special days within the Ateneo Community. They also render other services such as wedding and vigil services and other singings engagements as part of their ministry in forming men and women for God and country.

•Christian Life Community (CLC)•

A group of Christians, men and women, with similar ideals to pray and worship together, and bear witness to Christ in attitudes, words and actions. It aims to develop and sustain people who commit themselves to the service of the church and the world in every area of life. CLC spirituality is centered in Christ with the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius as a specific source.

•Muslim Students Association (MSA)•

To be able to implore the aid and guidance of the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful in order to establish an association that shall embody its common ideals, principles and aspirations to promote the general welfare and help strengthen the cause of unity among Muslims and Non–Muslims in the community.

•Philippine Students Alliance Lay Movement (PSALM)•

To know, enjoy and share the Lord, Jesus Christ; to encourage and teach students and lay persons to obey God’s word, love one another and reach out to their peers.

•Society of the Knights of Ignatius (SKI)•

A community of servers with one heart and one mission towards becoming persons for others inspired by the Ignatian Spirit of Magis in bearing witness to Christ’s mission – “in all to love and serve.”