The School of Liberal Arts (SLA) convened for a general assembly on August 07, 2024, at the SLA Workroom to reaffirm their dedication to academic excellence. Key agenda items included the discussions on the strategic plan for SY 2024-2025, on salary standardization, and on the integration of environmental and peace education into SLA curricula to foster holistic student development. Furthermore, the general assembly included a renewed emphasis on the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm.
The SLA wishes to thank Fr Alberto Paurom, Bro Jeff Pioquinto, and Mr Marlone Araneta who served as resource speakers on Laudato Si, IPP, and Peace education, respectively; as well as Dr Jane Bascar and Atty AJ Cresmundo who clarified further the Salary Standardization Plan. Their insights have provided valuable direction and enrichment to our plans this year.