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TeachSTEM Master’s Degree Scholarships Application Extended!

TeachSTEM Master’s Degree Scholarships are still OPEN for application until November 30, 2022.

The TeachSTEM Program aims to develop and strengthen quality STEM educators who will be champions of STEM in their community and equip future learners to later contribute to nation-building.

By empowering educators with rich content knowledge, strong teaching proficiencies, and relevant values, the program also aims to:
• Improve 21st Century learners
• Build a STEM-oriented culture among Filipino learners and educational stakeholders.

Eligibility Requirements:
1. An incoming or current Master’s Degree student specializing in Science, Math, Technology, or Engineering, including elementary education with Science, Math, or Technology teaching load/units.
2. Currently serving as:
– A K-12 science, math, technology, or engineering teacher in a public school 
– An instructor teaching a science, math, technology, or engineering-related course in any tertiary institution
3. Has not completed course subjects and/or comprehensive exam
4. Will enroll the minimum of six (6) units and complete the degree program within the recommended period
5. Of good moral character
6. In need of financial support to complete studies
7. Preferably not a recipient of other scholarships

For those who are interested to apply, detailed information and the application link for the program are found here: https://bit.ly/TeachSTEMCollege

If you have questions or concerns, you may contact the Gokongwei Brothers Foundation directly through this link: https://bit.ly/ContactUsGBF