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Solid Waste Management Re-Launching

03 November 2011




I wish to inform our community that as we move toward a greener AdZU, we are officially re-launching the SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (SWMP) on 16 November 2011 (Wednesday). Some aspects of the SWMP have already been implemented since the start of the 1st Semester this schoolyear.

The highlights of the re-launching activities include the following:

8:00-12:00 noon: Grade School and High School Re-launching Activities

1:30 PM: – Ecumenical Prayer for Central Services and university students and faculty (Venue: MPCC) -Re-launching Program (Venue: MPCC) -“LOYALTY DAY CLEAN-UP” (Loyalty Teams have been formed per office/department/unit. Areas of assignment and the mechanics for the Loyalty Day Clean – up shall be coordinated by the SWMP team with the various heads of offices/departments/units including the culminating activity for the day.)

I highly encourage everyone to be actively involved in the launching activities. I further ask the heads of offices/departments/units to lead in motivating and animating our community in complying with our Solid Waste Management Program and other initiatives toward a greener AdZU. I thank the SWMP team led by Ms Marievic C Montaño for its good work.

For your information and guidance.


Antonio F Moreno SJ

Memo: 11-12:26