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SLA Undergraduate Programs

SLA is composed of six departments headed by a chairperson. The departments are Mass Communication, Languages, Psychology, Religious Studies, Philosophy and Social Sciences.

BS Mass Communication

Students are prepared for professional work in broadcast journalism (radio, television, newspaper, magazine, the Web), film-making, advertising, public relations, sales, marketing, promotions and other fields where media communication is central.  The program develops both technical skills and a deep understanding of the theories, processes, history and the other traditions of mass communication.

AB International Studies

Students of this course examine politics, economics, cultures and social systems of the different regions of the world. It gives students the opportunity to attain intercultural understandings and develops conceptual knowledge of international issues. Graduates of this course can work as consultants, executive officers, and employees in both government and non-government organizations in local and international level. They can also pursue further studies in economics, law, and international relations.

AB Interdisciplinary Studies

The Interdisciplinary Studies program molds students into well-rounded individuals: skilled in economics, acutely aware of history, conscious of political science. Graduates of AB IS are well-prepared for careers or advanced studies in Economics, Political Science, History, Law, Public Administration and others. Job opportunities for AB IS graduates abound in the business, industry, banking and finance, academe, sales, and government sectors.

AB Economics

The AB Economics program is an excellent preparation for further studies in Economics, Law, Business, Management, Public Administration. It provides the student with practical and analytical tools for careers in the financial industry, for functional areas of economics as well as the theoretical basis for advanced studies. A degree in economics opens a wide range of career choices including teaching, government service, finance, banking and insurance.

BS Psychology

The program trains students interested in pursuing scientific knowledge about human behavior and human processes. It also prepares students for further studies in Medicine, Guidance and Counseling and Human Resource Development. BS Psychology graduates may pursue careers in human resource services (recruitment, training), organizational development, counseling in the academe, teaching, business and management, and further studies in psychology, medicine and law.

AB English

The English program provides a comprehensive study of the English language and is designed to help students improve his speech and writing skills. It is a great foundation for further studies in law, literature and linguistics.

AB Philosophy

AB Philosophy is a strong springboard for further studies in law, business, medicine, theology, philosophy, public administration and a great variety of positions of responsibility. The program develops logical/critical thinking, problem-solving, research and writing. These values give graduates of AB Philosophy a great advantage in the practice of their chosen fields of specialization.