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SLA Social Sciences Department to host 9th MISS Convention

SLA Social Sciences Department to host 9th MISS Convention

The Ateneo de Zamboanga University Social Sciences Department alongside International Studies students will be holding a five-day convention on February 17 – 21 at the Grand Astoria Plaza, Zamboanga City for the 9th Mindanao International Studies Society Convention. This year’s gathering bears the theme “Understanding Multiculturalism and Engaged Citizenship.”

The Ateneo de Zamboanga delegation is composed of students enrolled in the courses of International Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies, Philosophy, and AB English students headed by Secretary-General of International Student Organization of Ateneo Hannah Zulayka Abubakar.

“Participants should expect an excellent line-up of speakers coming from all over the world. The Social Sciences Department of the Ateneo de Zamboanga University has made this possible to make this convention one of the best,” Abubakar said. “The participants should also expect fun-filled socializations every night that will not only make the participants enjoy, but will also strengthen the relationships of the different members of the MISS,” she added.

“The purpose of this convention is to bring together the different people, especially the students, from all over Mindanao, and even Visayas, to learn together, to exchange ideas, to make them interact with each other and foster friendships and camaraderie – to build a stronger society that will put into realization the Ateneo’s aim for Engaged Citizenship,” Abubakar said.

This event will be a gathering of students from Ateneo de Davao University, Ateneo de Zambonga University, Mindanao Kokusai Daigaku, Mindanao State University, University of San Carlos, University of Southern Mindanao and Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan.

“This year, I believe that the 9th M.I.S.S. Convention will be one of the best conventions the MISS has ever had,” Abubakar ended.