To: The University Community


Greetings of Peace!

With the recent incidents of theft and other external security threats, it is imperative that we should upgrade existing security protocols to ensure a safe and secure campus that is conducive to learning.

In this connection, we are implementing these improved and new security measures effective immediately.

No ID, No Entry Policy

  • All students, faculty and staff are required to use their RFID upon entry to the Salvador campus premises. Those with vehicles entering gates 1 and 4 are not exempted as we have already installed RFID readers at those gates including basic education students coming from WHK campus. Nameplates are not valid ID.
  • Junior High School students are required to use the side entrance where the RFID reader is located.
  • Grade School Students are not covered by this policy as of the moment but parents/guardians are required to follow the standard security procedures upon entry to WHK campus.
  • Alumni are also required to secure RFID this school year. This policy will be strictly implemented for them beginning next school year.
  • Concessionaires and Contracted Workers are also required to wear the University issued ID upon entry.

Full Stop for Vehicle Inspection

  • Those using four wheel vehicles are required to lower their window/s, stop the vehicle for inspection, and open trunk.
  • Those using motorcycles are required to take off their full-faced helmet or raise the shield for proper identification.

No Face Cover inside Campus Premises

  • Unless there is a medical certificate coming from the University Clinic, no one should cover their face while inside the university premises. The security guards are authorized to ask anyone to take their face cover or mask.

Security is everyone’s concern and we are hoping for your support and cooperation as we implement and improve our University security protocols.

Fr. Richard V. Ella, SJ
Asst. to the President for Administration