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Safety Tips


personal safety is a personal choice and responsibility”


1.    Follow
your INTUITION – trust your feelings
– If you feel that a situation is not right, move out of the place or

be countered with good COMMON SENSE and

3.     Be AWARE of your surroundings at all
times, including people. Trust your instincts at all times

4.     Always look confident and calm.
Make sure that you appear as if you know where you are going.

5.     There
is SAFETY IN NUMBERS, go out in
groups of trusted friends,

6.     BUDDY SYSTEM is
one good option.

7.     ASK PERMISSION from
your parents or guardians and give accurate details on where you are going and
when you will be back.

8.     Carry a personal safety device –
personal protection in everyday items like keys, hairsprays, aerosol, pepper
sprays, whistle, flashlights, etc.

9.    Avoid
posting photo and other personal information on public domain or social
networking sites or publish/distribute in campus.

10.  Study
and inspect the campus and neighborhood with respect to routes you are going to
take between your residence and school.

11.  Share
your class schedule with your parents and a network of close friends. Give
cellphone or landline numbers to parents, advisors and friends.

12.  Do
not hesitate to report illegal activities and suspicious loitering.

13.  Be
more aware and in control of yourselves during off campus functions and

14.  If
you are staying in a dorm or boarding house, study the minimum standards of
security, responsibility, leases and accreditation.  Parents or guardians may consult neighborhood
watch (Barangay officials) regarding local crime rates in the area. Know your

15.  Know
basic self defense techniques and evasive tactics and strategies.


1.     Avoid
using cellphones or headphones while walking or driving

2.     Do
not display cash openly especially when leaving ATM machines

3.     Do
not leave identification cards, wallets, jewelry, cameras and other items in
open view.

4.     Do
not wear jewelry in a conspicuous manner.

5.     Keep
money or your wallet close to your body at all times. Do not keep large sums of
money on your person.

6.     Always
carry your handbag in such a way as to prevent somebody from snatching it.

7.     Let
go if your bag is snatched

8.     If
you see people milling around you, be aware as this may be evidence of an
impending robbery.

9.     If
you are robbed, remain calm and do not resist. If the criminal wants your
valuables, give it to him particularly if he has a weapon.

10.  Always
keep within security lights outside a building or on the streets.

11.  If
you have a firearm, ensure that it is in a safe place. Do not leave your
firearm unattended.

12.  Wear
clothing that is non-restrictive to be able to move quickly and suddenly.


1.     Ask
permission from your parents or guardian and give accurate details on where you
are going and when you will be back.

2.     Do
not walk or travel by yourself at night

3.     If
you need to travel anywhere, inform someone of your destination.

4.     If
you are not sure of the safety of a particular area, take time to conduct a
survey and contact barangay officials.

5.     Sit
near other people or near aisles or doors. Learn the location of emergency
exits and alarms

6.     Stay
awake and alert when using public transport

7.     Keep
valuables out of sight, if carrying a handbag, keep it in front of you. Keep
wallets in front pockets.

8.     Dress
casually, dress down where appropriate. Be
aware of local customs

9.     Don’t
wear excess jewelry, reduce wallet or purse content.

10.  Walk
in well-lit areas, avoid the use of shortcuts

11.  If
someone in a vehicle stops and ask for directions, answer from a distance. Do
not approach the vehicle.

12.  While
waiting for public transportation, keep your back against a wall or post,
always be aware of your surroundings and always stay near the curb.

13.  If
you feel that you are being followed, go immediately to an area with lights and
people. If needed, turn around and walk in the opposite direction, your
follower will also have to reverse direction.


Lock your vehicle, make sure windows are closed.

Do not leave valuable items in plain view such
as purses, laptops

stopping in dark deserted areas, park in well-lit areas.

If a stranger wants to talk to you through
your window, only open your window slightly. Do not give strangers a lift.

If something seems suspicious, drive away

Vary your routes on a periodic basis. Be aware
of the routes that you travel.

Carjackers might create a minor accident to
hijack you.

Do not resist hijackers, Your life is more

Make sure that your vehicle is in good

10.  Make
sure that you have enough fuel to reach your destination

11.  Have
your keys ready before approaching your vehicle

12.  Always
look around at stop streets

13.  If
you feel that you are being followed, drive to the nearest police

14.  Do
not leave firearms in the glove compartment


Most people who duck and cover when buildings
collapse or get under objects like tables, chairs or cars have a smaller chance
of survival.

If an earthquake occurs and you cannot easily
escape by getting out the window or door, lie down and curl up in a fetal
position.  Curling up in a fetal position
during an earthquake is a natural safety and survival instinct.  Get next to an object, next to a sofa, next
to a large bulky object that will compress slightly but leaves a void next to

Do not stay under a doorway or doorjamb, it
usually falls forward, backward or sideways.

Never go to the stairs during an earthquake.
Stairs have a different “moment of frequency”( they swing separately from the
main part of the building).  The stairs
and the building continuously bump into each other until structural failure
takes place.  Stairs are a likely part of
the building to be damaged.  Even if the
stairs do not collapse during an earthquake, they may collapse later when
overloaded by fleeing people.  Safety
check must be done before using the stairs.

Get near the outer walls of buildings or
outside of them if possible.  It is much
better to be near the outside of the building rather than the interior.  The farther inside you are from the outside
the perimeter of the building the greater the probability that your escape
route will be blocked.

When inside a vehicle, get out of the vehicle
and sit or lie next to it.

7.     Simply
stated, when buildings collapse, the weight of the ceilings falling upon the
objects or furniture crushes these objects, leaving a space or void next to
them.  This is the space called the
“Triangle of Life”.  The larger and
stronger the object, the less it will compact. 
The lesser the object compacts, the larger the void created and the
greater probability that the person who is using this void for safety will not
be injured.  It is the most common shape
you will see in collapsed buildings. Excerpts from “Triangle of Life” Doug Coup
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