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SACSI conducts growth session for volunteers

The Social Awareness and Community Service Involvement (SACSI) Office conducted a growth session for their volunteers last June 9 – 10, 2012 at the Ebenezer Bible College. It was their first for the school year.

Raquel Salvacion, Program Officer of the SACSI Volunteer Program, explained that the session was a way of building good rapport among SACSI staff members and volunteers. It also aimed to inspire the volunteers to do more work this school year by allowing alumni volunteers to share to them some of their experiences during and after their involvement with the program.

Joining the session were alumni Aldrin Abdurahim of Batch 18 who discussed about leaving a legacy to the office and Dr. Jaybee Bazan of Batch 5 who shared how the volunteer program made impact on his life and how it led him to meeting his wife who was also a volunteer.

“I am thankful to SACSI for our first growth session this year. Because of the session, the bond of the volunteers and the staff became even stronger. Last year was a tough year and the session was a good start. I hope that the office will have a good year this school year. May we flourish for it is our 25th year in service,” Batch 26 Senior Volunteer Ahmed Kamlian said.