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Retreat and Recollection Guidelines 2013-204



1. All students are required to attend two scheduled recollections (second year and third year) and one retreat (fourth year).

a. Recollections are pre-requisite for the Retreat; therefore students who failed or missed to attend their recollections will not be allowed to attend the retreat.

b. The scheduled Catholic Retreats are scheduled based on year levels and on courses.

b.1 The Retreat of Christian and Muslim students are on their fourth year. It is based on year level and NOT on their Religious Studies (RS) subject. However, for students taking 5 year course, their retreat will be on the fifth year.

c. Students who will attend their scheduled Retreat are officially excused from attending their classes, RLE’s, exams, and from other requirements on that particular day/days including the IRREGULAR STUDENTS.

c.1 Students who have already finished taking their Retreat are no longer excused from their classes, RLE’s, exams, and from other requirements if they wish to attend another Retreat. (This is for students who want to attend another retreat with another group of students.)

c. 2 Senior students who shifted to another course a year before the scheduled retreat or in the very year they are expected to take their Retreat, they may join in their previous course or with the batch of their new course.

B. STUDENTS WITH TWO-YEAR COURSES (eg. BS Computer Secretarial, Associate in Computer Networking, and BS Office Administration)

1. They are to take one Recollection and one Retreat.

2. They are to take their Recollection on the first semester of their second year and their Retreat on the second semester of their second year.

2. a If they will continue to take a four year course they have to take third year recollection.

2. b Should they wish to take another course, they are to take their retreat on their first course and yet still have to go through their 3rd year recollection.


1. They are to take their Seniors’ Retreat before they graduate on their FIRST course.


D. STUDENTS WITH A FIVE-YEAR COURSE (eg. BS Computer Engineering and BS Accountancy)

1. Their Seniors’ Retreat is set on their fifth year in college. On their fourth year, they are to attend a one-day recollection.

2. They must have three (3) Recollections to attend and one (1) Retreat.



1. Christians of other denominations are encouraged to attend

their scheduled Retreats.

a. If they wish to attend the Catholic Retreat, they may do so with the conditions that:

a.1 They will attend all the sessions and go through the retreat as everyone else does;

a.2 But, they will not be forced to receive the Sacraments.

b. Their attendance in the Catholic Retreat is considered valid.

2. Muslim Students are required to attend their Muslim Retreat.



Transferee student/s from other Ateneo schools who have undergone retreat session equivalent to our retreat in thier previous school will be considered valid as long as they will present their certificate of attendance as a proof.



1.Students must PERSONALLY REGISTER ONLINE one week before their scheduled Retreat through my.host.adzu.edu.ph/revamp.

2. Students must download their guardian/parents’ consent & waiver at the website or get a copy at the Campus Ministry Office after registeration. The reply slip & WAIVER should be returned on the very day of their retreat. Students without their guardian/parents’ consent and waiver will not be allowed to attend the retreat.

3. Students who failed to register and get their parents’ consent will not be allowed to attend the Retreat.



a. Bible with Old and New Testaments (for Christians only)

b. Personal items for three days (e.g. clothes, toiletries, medicines)

c. Qur’an, SALAH Paraphernalia (Prayer Mats “Sujara’” Prayer Beads “Tasbih,” Salah Veil “Luku”, Malong and Rubber Slippers (for Muslim students only).



1. Students are not allowed to bring the following:

a. Textbooks/Pocketbooks/Magazines

b. Electronic Devices ( laptop, cd player, Ipod, MP3/4, PSP, cellular phones, etc.)

c. Liquor (or intoxicating drinks)

d. Board Games and Playing cards

2. Students in possession of textbooks, pocketbooks, magazines, any electronic devices, board games and playing cards, should turn them over to the Campus Ministers before the Retreat starts.

3. These materials will be confiscated by the Campus Ministers and will be returned after the Retreat.

4. Students in possession of liquor or caught drinking liquor and having all things mentioned in # 1 will be asked to leave the Retreat. Their attendance in that Retreat will be considered invalid. Therefore, they will be asked to attend another Retreat and they need to repay the Retreat registration fee.



1. Students are not allowed to attend the retreat without the ORIENTATION since this is a must for students in order for them to know and understand the guidelines and policies of the Retreat.

2. Seniors’ Retreat Orientation is valid only within the year. Students who have attended the orientation within the year but were not able to attend their retreat for some reasons (irregular or not graduating) they have to attend another orientation within the year of their scheduled retreat.



All students who attended their seniors retreat will be given a certificate of attendance and will be asked to keep it. Students are required to attach a copy of their retreat certificate in their application form for graduation asked by the Registrar’s Office.



Students are required to follow the Retreat schedules, rules and guidelines of the Campus Ministry. Graduating students who lack recollections or retreat will not be allowed to graduate. They will not be allowed to attend the Baccalaureate Mass, the Graduation Ceremony and they will not be given their Ateneo diploma without fulfilling the university’s requirement regarding Recollections and Retreat.



School Year 2012-2013


1. All students are required to attend two scheduled recollections (second year and third year) and one retreat (fourth year).

a.Second year students are to take their scheduled Second Year Recollection during the first semester of their second year in college and Third Year Recollection on the second semester of their third year in college.


b. Third year students who have not attended their Second Year Recollection will not be allowed to take the Third Year Recollection until they have finished their Second Year Recollection.


c. Third Year Students are to take their Third Year Recollection before taking the Seniors’ Retreat.


d. The Catholic Recollections are scheduled based on year levels and on courses.

d.1 The Recollection of Christian and Muslim students are based on year levels and NOT on their Religious Studies (RS) subject.


e. Students who will attend their scheduled Recollection are officially excused from attending their classes, RLEs, exams, and other requirements on that particular day even if they are irregular students.


e.1 Students who have finished taking their Recollection are no longer excused from their classes, RLEs, exams, and other requirements if they wish to attend another Recollection. (This is for students who want to attend another recollection with another group of students.)


f. For Second and Third Year Students who are IRREGULAR, they are to take their Recollection based on their status confirmed by the Registrar’s Office.



g. For Second and Third Year Students who SHIFTED to another course a year before their scheduled Recollection or in the very year they are expected to take their Recollection, they must attend the Recollection together with the batch of their present course.


B. STUDENTS WITH TWO-YEAR COURSES (e.g. BS Computer Secretarial, Associate in Computer Networking, and BS Office Administration)

1.They are to take one Recollection and one Retreat.

2. They are to take their Recollection on the first semester of their Second year and their Retreat on the second semester of their Second year.

3. Should they wish to take another course, they are to take their Retreat on their first course and still have to go through their Third Year Recollection on the second semester of their third year in college and a follow-up recollection on their fourth year in college


C. STUDENTS WITH A FIVE-YEAR COURSE (e.g. BS Computer Engineering, Accountancy, and BS ECE)

1.Their Seniors’ Retreat is set on their fifth year in college.

2. They must have three (3) Recollections to attend and one (1) Retreat. (2nd, 3rd and 4rth year Recollection and one Retreat)



1. Christians of other denominations are encouraged to attend their scheduled Recollections.

a. If they wish to attend the Catholic Recollections, they may do so with the condition that:

a.1 They will attend all the sessions and go through the program as everyone else does;

a.2 But, they will not be forced to receive the Sacraments.

b. Their attendance in the Catholic Recollections is considered valid.