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Request for Information System Service

The Development of information systems is one of the services CITS offer to university offices. Information systems (IS) improve employee efficiency through the application of software solutions that streamlines procedures and transform data to organized and readily available information.

The Finance Office, the HRADO, the Alumni Office, the College Admissions Office and the College Registrar’s Office are among those that benefit from the software solutions that CITS developed over the years.

To help the Center address requests for IS services, interested offices should fill up a request service form. The form shall have all the necessary details (paper forms, procedures, data, reports, etc.). Each request shall be evaluated and checked with other software solutions that are already in place within the University.

The Center will arrange the schedule of the first meeting. The development of software solutions ordinarily takes three (3) months.

Following are the type of information system services available for offices:

  1. IS Planning – the need to plan the data and information requirements of offices and integrate them with existing information systems in the university.
  2. Business Process Analysis and Redesign – the need to redefine procedures in the office and make changes to existing software solution in the office.
  3. New Application Development – the need to build new software solution in the office for efficiency in the workplace.
  4. New Website Development – the need to create a website after careful assessment of what information is to be shared in the Internet or in the university.