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Request for Information System Service

The Development of information systems is one of the services of the CITS for university offices. Information systems are developed to improve employee efficiency through the application of software solutions to office procedures, typically by speeding up the transformation of data to organized, easily accessible information. The Finance Office, the HRADO, the Alumni Office, the College Admissions Office and the College Registrar’s Office are among those that benefit from the automated solutions the CITS has developed to speed up their business transactions. Other offices have also expressed their interest in automated solutions for their respective offices.


To help the CITS appropriately address these requests for information system service, interested offices are requested to fill up the attached request. Please submit the form with all the necessary details (paper forms, procedures, data, reports, etc.). Each request will be evaluated for its feasibility as well as for its integration into software solutions already in place within the University. The CITS will then contact the office for the schedule of the first meeting. The development of such software solutions – from analysis to turnover to the user – ordinarily takes three (3) months.


To help each office identify its needs, the types of information system services available are listed here:


  • Information Strategy Planning – refers to the need to plan the data and information requirements in offices and integrate them with existing information systems or computer applications among offices in the university. This is important for proper planning and assessment before any information systems or computer applications are developed.
  • Business Process Analysis and Redesign – refers to the need to redefine procedures in the office with the current data, information and computer applications already in place. This is to minimize steps and/or streamline procedures in the office.
  • New Application Development – refers to the need to build new information systems or computer applications customized for the office. This is done after careful evaluation of the needed data/information and a strategic plan has been made.
  • New Website Development – refers to the need to create a website after careful assessment of what information is to be deployed in the Internet/Intranet.
  • Existing Application Enhancement – refers to the need to modify an existing information system or computer applications by adding security features, functionality, reports and information queries.
  • Existing Website Enhancement / Modification – refers to the need to change / modify existing websites for format, additional content, features and others.