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Christian Life Education (CLE) Department

The Christian Life Education (CLE) Department, through its co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, is committed to forming holistic and conscientious individuals who possess the academic excellence needed for rigorous theological studies in the university, which reflects a solid understanding of the basics of the Christian faith in their day-to-day actions through proactive engagement towards the transformation of community and society.

Drawing inspiration from the Salvation History through the study of the Old Testament (Grade 7), and from the very person of Jesus Christ through the New Testament, Church and Sacraments (Grade 8), the students are equipped with the basics of Ignatian discernment and reflection,  and are immersed in different social contexts, both of which allow them to develop sensitivity to the signs of the times, genuine love and concern for the poor and marginalized in the society, care for the environment, as well as appreciation and openness to diverse religious practices. These, in turn, enable them to make informed decisions concerning morality (Grade 9) and commit themselves to socially-oriented and responsible actions proper to Christians (Grade 10).