As many researchers know, research can not be an end in itself. Communicating the findings, the methodologies, the theories, the experience of the research is not only important but fundamental. Interested parties such as the academe, policy-making groups, developers, etc., need to know new and valuable discoveries as they are being made as well as have a chance to examine, comment, question, and test the same discoveries. Publishing, then, becomes an integral part of the research process.
For a serious university, publishing, aside from the basic function of disseminating information, is also considered a metric of performance. A research is considered as having greater credence once it appears on a reputed journal. Universities are also judged according to the number of research it produces that get published.
The creation of the Ateneo Research Center Publication Desk is a response that hopefully will help move Ateneo de Zamboanga University toward the direction of greater activity in research publication. At present, ADZU has two or three academic journals maintained by different units and offices. As an arm of the ARC, the Publication Desk can centralize and unify the seemingly scattered and individual efforts in research publication. The Publication Desk can also give the university a rapid-response group in terms implementing publication related and policies of the Research and Publication Council as well as the ADZU Office of the President, functioning as a university-based publisher.
In terms of the ARC, the Publication Desk can be the arm of the office that focuses on publication of institutional research. It can generate other forms of publication aside from academic journals in order to reach a greater audience as well as act as a center to coordinate efforts in terms of motivating faculty to conduct research. The Publication Desk can also be the ADZU’s face in terms of book publishing, representing ADZU in establishing linkages with publishers-both university-based and private.
The succeeding Vision, Mission, and Goals are the guiding statements in the direction and operation of the ARC Publication Desk.
The Publication Desk of the Ateneo Research Center is a center for superior academic and scholarly publication in Western Mindanao. The Publication Desk makes accessible to the public the results of the scholarly work of members of the Ateneo de Zamboanga University as well works of the others from outside of the university in order to advance research and knowledge especially in the areas of peace and development.
The Publications Desk will:
Disseminate researches and other scholarly works through the publication of books, journals, and other printed publications
Publishing only scholarship that adheres the standards of the University and contribute, directly or indirectly, to peace and development of the region
Provide researchers and writers with an avenue for disseminating the results of their scholarly work to others and to society in general, and, in turn, allow the public to benefit from these works.
Establish a system of publishing and publication in ADZU
Initiate, encourage, and develop the tradition of publishing in ADZU
Promote and recognize excellent research through publication
Identify and adopt technological advances on publication
1. Skills Traning Workshop
Organize and conduct and two (2) skills training workshops for faculty and staff who desire to do research for publication. So as to obtain update necessary skills (e.g. Writing for journal publications, publishing in national and international Journals, etc.)
2. Lecture Series / Book Launching
Sponsor or co-sponsor the conduct of lecture series or book launchings of selected authors
and/or other relevant personalities – either a member the ADZU community or from outside the university. The goals are
To increase awareness on the importance of Publishing research
To showcase the direct and indirect benefits of publishing
To promote and recognize published work
To help disseminate content (findings, views, etc) of published work
The ARC Publication Desk will be structured thus:
As can be seen from the diagram above, the ARC Director shall be directly supervising the Publication Desk through its Head. The Head directly supervises the support staff. The Head shall also coordinate with the ARC Assistant Director, particularly in matters concerning the publication of in-house produced research.
The following list the general duties and responsibilities of the Publication Desk personnel:
ARC Publication Desk Head
Heads in the planning and executive of PD activities
Coordinates with ARC Director and ARC Assistant Director as well as relevant individuals (e.g. potential authors) and group (e.g. Research and Publication Council, College Deans) in identifying publishable work
ARC Publication Desk Support Staff
Performs secretarial functions Create page designs (lay-out) and other press related work when necessary
ARC—Publication Desk prepares various materials to publish research outputs. ARC Publications include:
Multi-Disciplinary Journal. The journal is intended as a forum for communication between researchers and practitioners working in the physical, social and behavioral sciences. It contains empirical research articles, conceptual and methodological reviews and position papers which facilitate application of research results to area specifics setting where appropriate.
Research Digest. The Research Digest is a yearly magazine type publication on different research topics usually relating to education. Catering more to the needs of the academic community (teachers and faculty). The articles published are those that enhance the instructional aspects of teaching.
Periodikit. A one-page poster size publication that features research results (in popular version). It is intended as a form of advocacy / information material not only for ADZU but also for the external community.