Home » Migrated » Psychology Dep’t sends off interns, holds Pinning Ceremony

Psychology Dep’t sends off interns, holds Pinning Ceremony

an annual tradition, the Psychology Department of the School of Liberal Arts
held this year’s pinning ceremony for their third year BS Psychology students
last 14 April, 2018 at the University Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

rite is a prelude as the 40 students are set to undergo at least 250 hours of
psychology-related internship in more than 10 private and public agencies outside
Ateneo but within the city. Partner agencies for this program include City
Social Welfare and Development (CSWD), Zamboanga City Water District (ZCWD), The
Fortress Psychological Center, Human Resource offices of Brent Hospital, West
Metro Medical Center, Ciudad Medical, and Universidad de Zamboanga.

Psychology internship program aims to propel the students apply classroom
lessons in their internship which will include psychology testing and
assessment, counseling, training and development and other Human Resource-related

ceremony started with a mass officiated by Fr Michael Moga SJ. This was
followed by the pinning ceremony proper where Jayson Sabdilon, department
chair, challenged the students to find balance between theories taught in the
classroom and their work experience. Putli Monaira Amilbangsa II, one of the third
year students about to go on the internship, delivered the response in behalf
of the interns.

attendance were Psychology Department faculty members Jose Francis Llenado,
Emmanuelle Bantay, and Patricia Eloise Amelda.
Sarah Ismael (Information Officer, School of Liberal Arts)

Photos by

Jayson Sabdillon