To turnover and/or transfer an item to another office, the source office should fill up a Turnover/Transfer of Equipment Form online. The turnover or transfer items will be accepted/approved by PCO. For transferred items, the PCO will be the one who will transfer the item to another office.
If a particular item was turnover/transferred to another office without properly turnover/transfer in accordance with the Inventory Online Procedure, such item is still under the inventory lists of the office or the person it was formally assigned. Thus he/she shall be held accountable for the loss of that particular item.
All purchases of goods and services will be done thru the Purchasing and Custodian Office using the MyAdZU Portal.
IMPORTANT: Only the Purchasing and Custodian Office can prepare the Purchase Order (P.O.). Transactions using P.O.s not prepared by the PCO are considered NOT VALID and the University reserves the right to refuse payment for such accounts.
The PCO works to procure products and services in the shortest time possible. The time frame between submission of SR/JR and the delivery of the items to the requesting party varies, depending on the item itself, the vendor, the price, and many other factors. However, the PCO also understands that offices need to do emergency purchases and availment of services from time to time and will work with requesting office to hasten the process. The requesting party should inform PCO of emergency requirements.