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Protocol on Security Concerns

TO  : Ateneo Community
FROM: Br. Raymund E. Belleza, SJ
RE  : Reminders of Protocol on Security Concerns

I would like to remind the community of a memo we issued last July 11, 2011 on Security Protocols pls take note especially of the following:

1) Hosting of Events refers to Ateneo or outside group sponsored events that involves participants from Ateneo & outsiders. University/college/dept/unit events does not need to fill this Hosting of events form the reservation form from PPO will suffice.
2) Hosting of events form can be filled up online through our website just click on “about adzu”
3) Please read carefully the last part on the accountability on losses, damage to property & mishandling of equipment and facilities.

Thank you

Ateneo de Zamboanga University
(July, 2011)

As soon as the details for the EVENT have been finalized, fill out the “HOSTING EVENT FORM” ON-LINE then Email a copy to each of the following:
a. Office of the President: “president@host.adzu.edu.ph/revamp” (to ensure presence of university officials as a courtesy to the presence of VIPs during the event)
b. Chief of Security: Mr. Roy E. Lorena “lorenaroye@host.adzu.edu.ph/revamp” (to secure perimeter and ensure parking areas for VIPs)
c. Director, Physical Plant Office: Engr. Ronaldo A. Serimogan “serimoganrona@host.adzu.edu.ph/revamp (to ensure readiness, cleanliness and orderliness of the facilities to be used, special attention on the CRs)
d. Sound System Technician: La Purisima Campus: Mr. Nonito K. Buen buennonk@host.adzu.edu.ph/revamp ; Kreutz Campus: Mr. Arnel Drapiza drapizaarna@host.adzu.edu.ph/revamp (to ensure that the sound system is in place and TESTED for best working condition prior to the start of the event/activity).

Avoid spreading unverified information.
When a Bomb Threat is received, take note of the following CRUCIAL DETAILS and contact the Chief of Security AT ONCE by reporting to any of the Security Guards on duty:
a. WHO: details of the bomb threat informant (even if the bomb threat informer is anonymous, remember that all threats must be considered seriously and you must report to the security AT ONCE);
b. WHAT: details of the alleged bomb – as possible, note the exact words/language; location and specifics of the bomb packaging/appearance, or alleged bomb explosion time;
c. WHEN: date and time the threat message was received;
d. How the Bomb Threat was relayed (through a phone call? A text message? An email? Letter/Note?);


Avoid spreading unverified information.
Take note of the following CRUCIAL DETAILS and contact your Unit/Office Head AT ONCE:
a. WHO: details of the kidnapping threat informant (even if the threat informant is anonymous, remember that all threats must be considered seriously and you must report to your Unit/Office Head AT ONCE);
b. WHAT: details of the alleged kidnapping threat; as possible, note the exact words/language
c. WHEN: date and time the threat was received;
d. How the Kidnapping Threat was relayed (through a Phone Call? A text message? An email? Letter/Note?


a. As soon as you notice or discover that something is “UNUSUAL” in your office premises, cordon the area, do not allow anyone to touch anything. Pay attention to the “unusual/suspicious details” of the area. Contact any of the Security Guards on duty. Accomplish an INCIDENT REPORT FORM (ask assistance from any of the Security Guards on duty).
b. The University Chief Security Officer immediately contacts the Police for proper investigation and if it requires the assistance of the “Scene of the Crime Operatives” or SOCO, the police investigator may call for them.
c. Security Guard on duty may also conduct an initial investigation without preempting and/or compromising police and SOCO investigation.
d. Complainant MUST BE AVAILABLE to answer questions from investigators.
e. The Chief Security Officer shall inform AT ONCE the University President and the Assistant to the President for Administration and Finance.



NO CASH should be kept in the offices except for those offices who are authorized to maintain Petty Cash. All cash collections or disbursements MUST be coursed through the Finance Office.
The university shall not be responsible for any loss of Cash, including Petty Cash, in the offices.


Every employee shall be responsible for his/her personal belongings in the work place AND for all office supplies, equipment, and facilities under the jurisdiction of his/her office. Each employee shall be responsible for the Safety and Security within his/her office.
Loss or damage of any university facility/equipment/property shall be the responsibility of the employee/office concerned.
The University Security Council shall immediately conduct an investigation and recommend to the President corresponding sanctions for lapses in Safety and Security within one’s office/jurisdiction.

The Office of the President, in coordination with the University Security Council, is the only authorized body to disseminate information on security matters. Security alerts and other related-information can be verified through the Office of the President.

Antonio F Moreno SJ
July 2011