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Programs & Services

Orientation Service

Orientation Service is given to freshmen, transferees, and returning students during the first month of the school year. Parents and teachers’ orientation is also being conducted to ensure total involvement in school activities. Its main objective is to make students, parents and teachers understand the school’s vision-mission and policies, are aware of facilities and services, clubs and organizations, and know the school’s administration, faculty and staff.

Individual Inventory

The Guidance and Counseling Office keeps an organized and systematic record of each student and information are kept with outmost confidentiality. Data of every student is recorded in Student Personal Information Questionnaire (SPIQ).

  • Anecdotal record
  • MAT/OLSAT Results
  • Entrance test result
  • GRACE-PASS Test Results
  • Personality profile
  • Career Interest Inventory Results (CII)
  • Intake Interview records
  • Health Record  Referral records
  • Parent’s Directory

Testing & Research Services

Assessment of the Student’s personal and academic development is always gauged through testing. There are different test given as the student moves from one grade level to the next. These psychological tests appraise the student’s achievement level, scholastic performance, vocational and occupational interests. Furthermore, these tests give information about the student’s personality make-up and potentials. The Guidance and Counseling Office also assists teachers who are interested in coming up with researches through the use of the different data available in the office such as the psychological test results.


The counseling service aims to assist the student in his/her personal needs, social concerns, academic growth and adjustment for him/her to become a responsible person-socially oriented, intellectually competent and spirituality mature.

Types of Counseling:

  1. Individual Counseling – A student meets with the counselor individually to work on his/her personal, academic, and social needs.
  2. Group Counseling – Students meet with the counselor as a group (6-8 members) to assess their personal, academic and social needs.

Service to Administrators, Teachers & Parents

This service aims to keep administrators, teachers and parents informed regarding non-academic matters and other pertinent data of students. The Guidance and Counseling Office also solicits comments and suggestions from persons involved in the growth and development of students.

Vocation & Career Guidance Service

Vocation and Career guidance is necessary in assisting students to make wise decisions regarding vocation or career choice. This service provides opportunities for students to be aware of their own career/vocation needs. It also instills in students proper attitudes toward work.

Placement and Follow-up Services

The Guidance and Counseling Office helps students’ placement or sectioning based on the data gathered such as the entrance test results and scholastic performance of the students. A follow-up on graduate students also play a very important role in the school’s program of instruction since they can evaluate the strength and limitations of the junior high school’s academic curriculum based on their academic performance in college. It also aims to acquire from graduates information concerning schools attended and courses pursued, and different occupations engaged in by those who did not go through or finish college.

Group Guidance

This program is incorporated in the curriculum to assist students in their total formation and acquire Ignatian values and virtues and be a good role model of excellence, spirituality and citizenship.

Special Program: Junior Peer Circle

Junior Peer Circle (JPC) is a club that offers emotional support and a listening ear to fellow students while observing confidentiality. It also assists student’s adjustment to the school environment and promotes trust and confidence among their peers.