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Processing Fees for Documents



Transcript of Records                                     Php       60.00 per page
Plus: Documentary Stamp Php 30.00
Certificate of Graduation                                              50.00 per sheet
Diploma (Second copy)                                           1,000.00 per copy
Other certifications                                                         50.00 per sheet
Honorable Dismissal                                         P260.00 (3-Page Transcript & HD)
Plus: TOR P60.00/page
     Documentary Stamp P 30.00
Authentication                                                                  10.00 per page
CAV-Red Ribbon Processing Fee                                            200.00
    Plus: TOR Php 60.00 per page
             Documentary Stamp Php 30.00
            Certificate of Graduation Php 50.00 per page
             Authentication Php 10.00 per page


Transcript of Records                                     Php      100.00 per page
  Plus: Documentary Stamp Php 30.00
Certificate of Graduation                                              75.00 per sheet
Diploma (Second copy)                                           1,000.00 per copy
Other certifications                                                         75.00 per sheet
Honorable Dismissal                                     230.00 ((2-Page Transcript & HD))
     Plus: TOR P100.00/page
                Documentary Stamp P 30.00
Authentication                                                                  10.00 per page
CAV-Red Ribbon Processing Fee                                            200.00
    Plus: TOR Php 100.00 per page
             Documentary Stamp Php 30.00
            Certificate of Graduation Php 75.00 per page
             Authentication Php 10.00 per page