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Procedures for Requesting Audio Visual Services

Request for Audio-Visual Equipment and Materials

  1. Visit the AV office at Room 301-B, right wing, LRC Building and approach any of our staff or student assistant;
  2. After checking the availability of the equipment, secure a reservation form from the Audio-Visual Center Reservation must be made at least two days prior to the date of intended use. Duly filled up reservation form must be submitted to the AV Coordinator for approval;
  3. Reservation is considered confirmed only when it bears the signature of the AV Coordinator;
  4. Present the approved reservation form on the date of intended use to claim the equipment to be borrowed;
  5. Check if the equipment or materials to be loaned out is in good working condition before checking them out.
  6. Use borrowed AV resources properly and with utmost care;
  7. Return all borrowed items right after use. Borrowers must limit themselves to the time they have reserved to give other users the opportunity to avail the AV resources; and
  8. The laptop may be used only at the Projection Rooms or where a technical person is present to man the said equipment.

Request for Audio-Visual Screening Room

  1. Follow the first two steps in requesting for Audio-Visual equipment and materials;
  2. Reservation is considered confirmed only when it bears the signature of the AV Coordinator;
  3. For AdZU users, the reservation form must be duly signed by the Adviser, Department Chair or Dean, and Director of Student Affairs; and
  4. Present an approved form to the AV staff on the scheduled time and date of the activity before entering the reserved venue.

Projection Rooms

Audio Visual  Center Viewing Room – Room 302-A, 3rd floor LRC Building.  Fully air-conditioned, equipped with all the basic audio-visual equipment with a seating capacity of 99.

ACTIVITIES PERMITTED: Film Viewings, Slide Presentations, Powerpoint Presentations, Acetate Projections and Seminars

AVC Preview Corner – Room 301-B, 3rd floor LRC building. Fully air-conditioned with 29-inch colored television set and VHS/VCD/DVD players with a seating capacity of 6.

ACTIVITIES PERMITTED: Preview of films to be shown to the students.

ASRC (Room  208) Screening Room – Room208, 2nd floor, LRC building.  Fully air-conditioned and has a seating capacity of 20.

ACTIVITIES PERMITTED: Thesis Defenses and Dissertations, Meetings, Slide Presentations, Acetate Projections, Class Activities. Projection equipment are provided upon request.

LRC Conference Room – Room 102 A&B, ground floor LRC building. Fully air-conditioned with a seating capacity of 24.

ACTIVITIES PERMITTED: Thesis Defenses and Dissertations, Meetings, Powerpoint  Presentations. (Exclusive for faculty and staff only)

Carlos Dominguez Conference Hall (CDCH) – Ground Floor, LRC building. Fully air-conditioned with a seating capacity of 200 when arranged as program type.

ACTIVITIES PERMITTED: Symposia, Conferences, Seminars, Workshops and Study Area.

Request for Audio-Visual Production

  1. Request must be filed two (2) days in advance;
  2. Fill out a job order form;
  3. Approval of request will depend upon the availability of the AV staff;
  4. Get the production charges from the AV Coordinator;
  5. Pay fees at the Finance Office;
  6. Submit official receipt to the AV staff; and
  7. Get the finished material on the specified date and time.

Important Things to be Considered

  1. The use of Audio-Visual facilities and resources is restricted to  school personnel, faculty members and recognized student  organizations on official business for education and other related school activities. Film viewings are given priority in the use of the Audio-Visual Viewing Room;
  2. Smoking, eating and drinking of any form of liquid are strictly  prohibited inside the Audio—Visual Viewing Room;
  3. Bookings can be made through the telephone. However, a reservation form must be filled out for confirmation. A reservation is considered CONFIRMED only when it bears the signature of the AV coordinator or  her authorized representative;
  4. Notice of postponement / cancellation should be forwarded to the  AV Center at least two (2) days before the scheduled activity;
  5. The use of the AV rooms on Sundays and holidays  is discouraged, except on a case-to-case basis;
  6. No class activity will be allowed inside the AV Viewing Room without  the presence of the faculty member or adviser;
  7. The use of the AVC Viewing Room for student meetings, elections,  inductions, stage plays/dramas, dances and practices for program is not allowed;
  8. Teachers / moderators / advisers are expected to preview the films, filmstrips, slides, video tapes and other instructional materials two (2) days before the scheduled use;
  9. The use of additional facilities / equipment not stated on the approved  reservation form is discouraged;
  10. If the film to be viewed at the AV viewing room is borrowed or rented from outside source, it must be submitted two (2) days before the scheduled viewing;
  11. Cellular phones and other electronic devices must be turned off  inside the AV Viewing Room so as not to interfere with the sound  system; and
  12. An overtime fee is required for the services after regular office.