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Preschool and Kindergarten Clubs

Book Lovers’ Club

Reading is recognized to be one of the most helpful skills in the learning process. it is a vehicle for obtaining ideas. through reading, an individual has at his command a means for widening his mental horizons and multiplying his opportunities for experiences.

Reading is considered an important tool that enables the students to learn with much success the various concepts in the different subject areas.

In cognizance of the aforementioned facts, the Ateneo de Zamboanga University Grade School organized the Book Lovers Club in the light of fostering love for reading. It also hopes to attract non-members of this club to love books and to love reading.

In this organization, students will read without fear of being tested afterwards. Reading will, therefore, be purely for recreation, for entertainment, for relaxation, for information, and for many other reasons, aside from being evaluated.

Dance Club

The Ateneo de Zamboanga University Grade School Dance club is designed to complement the curricular offerings in Music, Arts & P.E. It is geared towards the physical as well as the social development of its members.

Through this organization the children’s talents in dancing preferably folk and modern are enhanced.

Students gain better understanding of the use of their bodies. Correct attitudes are developed through their interactions with other members of the club.

Through this club, students are provided opportunities for healthful relaxation and recreation, grace and rhythm, coordination of body movements, maintenance of fitness and body posture, and proper body mechanics.

Seraphim Club

“Early in life, we learn from the activities we engage in, from our experiences, not from memorizing or studying but from doing things with a purpose.” (Kilpatrick, 1918)

Children learn from meaningful activities and experiences. Through direct and actual participation, they become aware of people and things around them.They begin to understand that God gave all these to them because for His great love for them. Early acquisition and understanding of knowledge and truth form the bases for intelligent actions and interactions in the years ahead.

The Seraphim Club of the Ateneo de Zamboanga University Grade School was organized to provide the Senior and Junior Preparatory students active participation in meaningful activities that hope to develop greater awareness of God’s love for each one of them and to develop appreciation of God’s greatness through His creations.